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, 6. Spirituall fins greater t·hen •carnall. , I ' of the AggrAvAtions of S/.nnt.· vcd that they were from a friend, frem ~ one who had been often in fweet communion together: and thus certainly the Lord may aggravate every Chrifiians finnes, Thou oaft bee'n' baptized received into the Church, feparated frGrn the world, · uken the badge of Chrifi upon thee,fworn alltgiance to him, and for thee to forfake him,and to rife up in rebelTion againfl: him IS a great tranfgreffion : and truly .even thofe thai: are in:. deedgodly in thu reJPefl have more aggravation in their jinne the11 any -wit/zedman can have,becau(e chcy have received more from God, been entertained in his private chamber, admit– ted into the Holy ofHolies, when others have beem jn the out· ward Courts; The more Priviledges, the more experiences. they have, the greater in this refped: are their transgrdlions. Thas God aggravated all his kindncffc thewed to D11vid, . when he had done fo foulely in tbem:merofVriah; There· fore as Abfolom faid to Hufhai, Is, thu thy k.jndmj[e to thy friend.? fo may we fay to the godly man apofiatiziJJg or de· cayirig, Is this thy kindnefle to God? to thac God,who hath revealed his giory to thee, who bath taken thee to the mount of transfiguration fometimes, not admitting -others ?- Is this thy kindneffe to Chrifr, for all thofe tears;and all th-at blood hepowred out.for thy fake·? Oh let us all cenfider, that this particular may fend both the wicked and godly~waywound· ed in heart, for all their tranfgreffions are grear, becaufe all within the Church have had great priviledge~. 2. Spiritual/ Jirmes taf?Jn in their o-wn nature t~Nd c:»teris paribus,aregreater then carnllll bod~ly jinnes, The Schoolmen bave aJaying, That fpirituaH finnes are ofagreatc:r guilt, but bodily finnes ofagreater infamy or reproach. Now fpirituall . finnes, ,we eaU all fuch as do immediately lodge in the fpirit and foul ofaman, though fomctimes demonfirated by out· ward at9:iom, fuch arepride, envy, malice, hereji.e, Idolatry; thcfe are all fpirituall finnes though excernidly ven ed ,becaufe· they are immediately feated in the foul, What makes the devils fuch great finners? they are called unclean fpirits, be– caufe they are theJPiritua!l 'Wi;ck_tdnej{es in highplaces,Ephe.6. The devils being fpirits are not capable of bodily finnes, and yet they· arc fu,Uofgreat wic~edndfe, becaufe their fpirituaU . oa~ures