Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

()/ the AggrtJvt~tiom "1' Sinne~ 26J. 11aulfes are defiled. The Pharifees were worfe 6nflers and fu-rther oft' from l1eaven tl1en Publicans and harlots, b(caufe becaufe the latter were carnall finners: The Pharifees were fpiritually wicked, and therefore faid in a peculiar manner ttJ be of their father the devil. Thus Idolatry is a very greatfinne. When the lfaaelites had made agolden Calf, they are faid, ' Exod. 3 I ·3 I. To have finned a great Jimre: and wmmonly Idolatry is called $:':i{Afl')l~a, The ahominatio,;, for the fonll_lature of it. The finne againfi the holy Gh(jft is of a fpirituall nature, confiUing in the malicious enmity of the hearr, and againll Chrill and 'all his wayes; fo felf-righteonfnelfe, and felf-fullnelfe, th~reby we are beft from hungring and thirfiing after Chrifi and his bendits,all thefe are fpirituall finnes: Now as God becaufe he is a Spirit, delighteth in thofe who are fpirituall worfhippers of him, who- ferve him in their Spirit, fo the devil doth mofi delight in thofe, wicked men, ufing fuch as the fittefi and ablefi infirumetJts to promote his kingdom, who are fpiritually wicked ·: this may be called the· 1 wickedndfe of wicke~nelfe,as the Hebrew pbrafe is excellent, Ho[. I o.15. Their Idolatry andJPirituall jinfullneffe, is called in the Hebrew,the evil ofevil, as the Song of Songs, the Lord· ofLords, malitia malitice veftr.e, as its tranflated : Oh then, though.thou art no Publican.no harlor, tbou canfi thankGod thou art no prophane or debauchedman ; yet thou mayeft be a fpirituall finnc'r like the devil, one, whofe pride, malice and envy, is wholly againfi godlinelfe and goodmen, and this is the evill ofevils, This is the tranlgreffion of tranfgref· fions ; bodily finnes make us to be accounted of as beaRs, but thefe as devils. 3· The greatnef[e of a finnufoth arife frem the gretttmf[e ~nd j: eminency of thefu6jerl 'Whs do commit it it. All great meps fins Sin is aggrava~ are great fim; The Ecclipfe of the Sunne is a prodigious fign, te.d byffithe f if the fnundations be -rotten ~11 che houfe .mufi fall : Hence ~~~aCt~Je~ 0 you fhall rcade the Prophets lharply reprovmg finnes ofgreat that com- · men in place and ,P()Wer; as b~ing the head and caufc of a'll mitsit. - evil to others. The fins of M1giflrattts, of Minifters, of nobfe men and rich men are according to their place mor: oft'Cnfive and d.ifhonouring of God tbenother mt!ns fimncs are. Hence - L I 3 -- Lev.