Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

~ 8. From. the fcaadall and offence{hat maybe in a fi.noe, of the Aggflivati,ni 1/sinne: Letr./:4. the Prie(lsfacrifice for fiane was as mu£h as the whole Congregation w.as to offer; and fo the Rulers facrifice for finne, was amale-kid, whereas every private perfon, was on– ly to ofFer afemale. By the difference of facrifices we might gather the difference of (innes, what an antidote would this againft great mens finnes if rightly confidered? for thou that art: above others in place and dignity; Thoo art above others ,in their finnes likewife ; Thy fpots are more lothfome, Thy finnes are more confpicuou.s,u any deformity in a fair body. Thylife fhoold be as much above others inexemplary god– lineffe, as thy eRate and honours are : for thee to fwear~ or be uncleaD, or-tlrQnk like one of the vile attd me-an ones' of . tbe world, is a difhonour .to thee J Magiltra~es are called gods becaufe of that holineffe which lhould bein all their adminiltrJtions ; That ·was an admirable faying of a great mas, PerMt m11gu totu, rtgnum quam _SJt feme/ contra -nemn peccem : Ariftotle.faith, tb-e perpetual! duration of th'ings co– meth from the fimple and daily mot_ion of the Sun from tbe Eafl to theWeft, but the corruptionof things is becaufe of the oblique motion of theSuri through the Zodiaqoe. The oblique motjoa of thofe that are of great place and dignity works great place and~ignity works great corruption in aH others: Nugtt arc bltJJfPeemi.e in the mouth of a Minifter, faid Hierorn: But how cantrary is the wqrf4 to this trlilth? grea~ men think Religion ltelow them, wickednelfeis agrace ... ftlll thing with them, and thofe who would ~e afhamed of tbe-praaicaU felf-denyingway of Chritt, glory in the works of the fleth and the devil; but rrmernber God is greater then thou ~tt,and potentes pmnter punientHr. 4• The1rea·tnejfo of atr.t~nfgre.f!i•n doth llrlfe fr6m .the foan;. Jallllndoftence that 1»/l} /u in it, to feduce oth.ers and draw them on to finne; All thofe finnes that are fcaodalou9, which encourage others to Glo the like, and make the name ofGod to be blafphemcfl, mull: needs be heavier finnes then others. The greatnefs of fuch finnes our Sav,ioot d~th terribly ex– prefs, Mat.t8.7. Wo VI to himby "Whom ojfemu come, It were bettera mi!J-jlone Were hung About hu neQ'-k..,, 11nd he thrswn int(} the Sea: That expre!lion (:lenoteth an extraord~nary aggravation ,