Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

()/the Agtr4vlltiensof Shzne. vation in {uch finnes. It-was for foch finries that the Primi~ tive Church required ·publique repentance and humiliation for, and this was the fatisfaetion ancient Writers fpeak of, that afterwards the Papifis abufed to the difhonour ofChrift, paul was fo carefull · to offend others this way, I Cor. 8. I 3· that he fa id, He \\'euld eat no Jneat Whiltthe 'Worldflood rftther ·thenoffend hu /Jrother: Oh then how wilt thou pleade for thy · felf whofe whole life is a fcandall? Thou livdt a reproach to God and to Chriftianity, Many are the more hardened todo wickedly becaufe thou dofl: fa; As for apaffive fcandalJ, fuch as the Phar1fees took by corrtJpt mif-interpretatiOfiS ofChriLls doctrine and his way, none can help ; .nor are we to matter that, but an aCtive fcandaH, ·rhat which is a plain undoubted finne, and -giveth juft occafion to others to do the like, Wo be to them that do fo, God told Dllvid, by his linnes be had made the enemies of God to blaJPheme ; and therefore his affii· aion was to be the more bitter: And fo the Apoftle Rom,z. TheN~tme ofgod i.i blll/phtmed among the H~athen : Oh take heed of fuch finnes that have a pefiilentiall infed:ion with them, They do not only damn thy felf but thy children, thy neighbours, thy followers with thee. 5·, Themore confent, delight, and contriving, or ptr/wa6ling . 9• thou ufeft to ~finne, thegreater uthy iniquit]. The authors and The more infl:igators to a finne do more greatly tranfgreffc then the meer ~"ffe;t. ani:! actors fometimes~Joh.Ig.u. Chri.ft faith the Pharifees had a the/ir:a~~:-n . greater fmne upon them then P•IAte, becaufe they moved it is. ....: . and infiigated him to deftroy that innocent one ; Thus not · ioab buc Dllvid is feverely chaftife4 by God for killing Vrillh,. He was the murderer, He was guilty of innocent bloud though he did not immcdiatly kill hi~, becaufe he counfclled ' andcomman~ed ther(unto, Rom. I .ult. The Apofile reckoning up divers kinde of groffe finners, concludeth they not only do fuch things but detight in them that do fo; Therefore if tho·n ar.t in thy felf civill and fober, yet thou procn~ rell: and inticeft others to dnmkennetfe, thou lovell their corn· pany, thou takefi pleafure in their acquaintance~ thou art a .greater finne r then thofe beans are, for thou counfelleft or thou approvelt and delighteft in them i Whereas the Apoftle -- - -- -~-- ---- - - . .- -- - -- ~~-- - . £ph~