Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

Hypocrifie in M.nning doth aggravate fin. O{tht Aggrt~vlltioJJs ofsinm. Eph.~· comm:mds us to have no fellow/hipWith the unfrJtitfu!l ~Grk_f 9/ dt~ri0effe but rather reprove them; yet thef~ great tranfgreffions arc too frequent; men though th~y themf~ lves will not do fuch or fuch wicked actions, yet they wii-t fecret;. ly countenance or coun{ell, or do openly delight in them that do them, Know thou hall the greater linne. · 6. The greatne.J{e ofa jinne m~y ari{e f rom the fecret ,dij]i– mulati.on hiding or covering of it. 'L'o fioae ::md yet to appear as if we were holy, or had done our duty; Therefore the faying is, Simulatt~ fanflitM eft duplex iniquitao; The hypo– £rite is a great finner, for although there b'e no fcandall in his finne, and he avoideth that reproach to God by apparent and vifible iniquity; yet as we fay offomefeavers,The cold– er and better temper he feelech to be of, the greater heat he bath wichin,and therefore the more dangeroqs : So it is here~ Thou art fecretly and clofely a finner againft God, yet out· wardly doeR: appear good and laudable, thy wick;edneffe is the O:ronger within, the more poifon is in thy heart: If thy wickednelfe did break forth, it may be it would not be fo ill with thee as now. See what an aggravation God putteth on AchanJ finne, Jofh 7. I 1 . They have taken of the curfed thing, _ and have a.lfo fiolen, and diffembled, and have alfo fiolen,and dHfembled, and have put it even amongll: their fluff: . This hiding, and covering, the more fubtilty and craft to daub over the matter,argues the fironger corrupcion.DavidJ craft, 3nd covering of the finne about Vriah, was a bitter ingre· dient,and made his bones more brokeo,as appeareth, P[a/.5 r. by that paffage, ThruJ delighteft in truth in the inw"'rd parts, The more therefore thou coverdl: and pleadefi, the worf~ it is. 1 I 7· The more fr~quent aft~ne u C9rmnitted, and the oftner it u From th; 'fre· t~.fled, thu mP~k._es ~ tran[grejfion greater. So we told you, 'the quent con:- word Great doth fignifie a.lfo m11ch,or many finnes multiplied mittingofa over aqd over. P{al.78 .4o. D.1vid makes this aggravation, iinne. That the l[rPeelittJ did often prnok! God, Idolltry upon Idola· ' try,rebellion upon reb!!llion: and Paut puts this circumfiance in to aggravlte his wick:edneffe while perfecutor, A<..''h z6.r 1.· ~e did ofcen puniih the_m: I~ fall once o~ twice in a finne, . - __ ._ .. -.... may /