Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

ofthe t.Aggr4'!J4tio»J ofSin. may_be (rom infirmity, but frequently to commit ft:Jcb linnt1 ar~ueth an habit and a firoug inclination to thrm ; and fltould not this be as terrible u lightning afld thunder c• · many auditors? Their oaths are frequent and often, <heir lafcivioas and onrighceoms waies are a confiant trade and praCtice; May they not fay u D11vid. they are/more then the hairs of the head for number ? oh th::tt the devil fuould fo farre bewitch thee and harden thee- as to li-.:e quietly :nd merrily in the multitude of fuch finocs commftted by thee, one of them wer.e enough to make thee go bowed down and mourning all the day lollg, but thou art fectJre when an ' Army of fins compaffe thee about. .. I 2. 8. Apcft M} or faDing from ollr former graces, ourformer love and.t:.eal toGfJd,u ll great tranjgrejfion, as appc:areth Revel. 2· w·here fuch ar~ bidw repent quic.kly ; oh make hafie to get out of thofe decaies and relapfes; God will make tl10fe fins bitter eo thee: The not entertaining or receiving the Word of God at firfi, is not fo great a fin as afcer the entertainment of it a while, theA eo goback again, 2 Pet. 2. 20,2I. you have Apo!l:acy frotl\ GGds waies is a great finne. · a Beacon fet on fire there to warn al : If thefe that by the k_nowledge ofChrift are.again intangled in thtir lufts,theirlMter end r:.r Worfe, J6r they had 6etter t;,~ver htwe kpown the Wa] of , Righteou{nej[e lfhen to go from it fit lflft; and well may Apofia– cy be called agrievous tin, becaufe tht>re is fo much perfidi– oufneffe in it; W( br_,eak our promifeandcoven1nt made with God,and t he-n hereby we prodaim a difl1ke ofGod,a11d a kinde of repent7nce due ever we entred into his fervice, as if there were more pleafure and content eo be had in the world and ftn, rather then in God: Hence God asketh what fault they could finde in him when they forfook him and did deave to Idols; for men that ~ver tafted of the fweet nctfe of grace, and never had communion with God, to refufe him and clofe witf:I the wo~ld,is nowonder, for there is duO: to du fi, like to like: but fot.thofe who have had a fight of C~tnaan , t hough they have not entred into it, to return to Egypt again, is very ifltolerable ; oh then take heed of decaics and con lu'rnptions K1 the way of grace, for thefe do gre~ttly provoke Cod. 9• LukJw~trmnef[e in mAtters-of Religionmal~.p a m.zn a great M m }inner ·, j": ' Luke-warm.. 11dfe.