Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

. - • of tl.le ..AggrAvt~tlons 1/ Sinnr:· . .fnnerGefereGod; To fee am·an ad:ive in th~world, hot in pur.; fuing his own interefis, but then for matter of Religion tebe meerly indifferent; as Era(mtu profelfed himfelf when he faid, that if the Church ~ould determine Arritmi/m or Pe- · · ' lflgianifm to be ~rue Chrifiianity, he would affeut to it. Mo· deration is a grace, .but lukew~rmnc~e and inditrerency in Gods glory or our own foul, ts an htgh finn·e, oppofire tO· one of the choifefi graces of Gods Spirit, which is zeal and holy fervency, fuch a lukewarmndfe Eliah who went up in. to heaven in afiery cbariot,a fit reward for his zeal, cried out againfi,WbJ halt ye between two: ifGod biGodjerve him,if Baal be God fervt him, I King. I 8.19 . The deteftablenelfe of this lukcwarmnelfe, is wonderfully defcribed, Rev. 3· 16. Becau(e thou art neither cold or hot, I 'Willjpue thee out ofmy mouth. We have fcarce fuch an expreffion in all Scripture, .and it is to in· firud: us how lothfome fuch men are to God, That are any thing, and will do any thing 'to the difhonour of God, to fave themfelves; This asa wife man faid of a middle way in pollticall matters, That many times they who go in fuch a ncutrall way, theydoneither 11micesp~trtare or inimicos toUere, is alwa.ies true here ; They make not God their friend, nei– ther is the devil or confcience their Iefs enemy; But as they fay of the Eat w_hich is neither moufc or Bird, but pretending to either, is -devoured of both. Vfe of Exhortation, To pray that thou maill be preferved from every great tranfgreffion; Though thou cantl not be without fin, yet that thou maifi not have thofe fcarlet finne$, thofe eamelt finnes may not be fwdlowed by thee: 'Oh know as thy finne is- great~ fo God is a great God, his anger is great anger, and he bath appointed a great day to judge futh fing, what then lhall fuch little fiubble as thou art do before fuch a confuming fire? The gmerall finnes that ITlOfi men live in are great fins, and therefore no wonder if God bring liis fore and great judgements upon us, when we fingricvouOy we are pu~ nilhed gricvoufly. · Vje ofDireffion, To.chofe who cry out of their great fins, fo great they fay,that they canaot bear them,they overwhelm. them, fo great, that the very terrour of them doth [wallow them . .