Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

- 6/ t!le lAgt,r4vatiOfJ1 1{Sinne~ them up, let fuch confider firfi, there mull: be great hnmilia: tioo, as M~rJ Matda!ene was agreat finner, and her mourn– ingwas g eat; The incefiuous perfon committed agreat fin, · and his repentance was great; Not that the grcatnefs of for· row mull: fatisfie God, no, ehrifts bl_ood, a~d not thy tears mull: do that, ~ut becaufe hereby thou manifefrdl the truth and heaninefs ofth~ forrow; judge thy felf a great offl!rt• der, few have difhonoured God as I have done, the ehiefeft finner of many th(nlfands I have been~ Oh this will fct open the floodgates as it were of thy foul. But •, 2. Remember the mercies of God are great and many mer– cies, Thou hall multirude offins, he bath multitude of mer- ·, cies ; Thou hafi great fins, and he bath mercy as great as him• felf, which-is infinite and incomprehenfible; when thou hall: .thought and thoogJu, yet thou art not able to comprehend his mercy, but it is as far above thy fins as his .nature is above ~~. . I 3• The Obedience and fufferines of Chrifl they are of a · great vertue; Can it be for a little thing, that the Son of God iho.uld be incarnated_and fuffer for; If thy fins be great, his · fuffcring~ were great, his obedience wugreat, let not fin be great and Chrill: littl~. . . . · 1 Lafily, Let thy faith be great, that 1t may be fa1d, b man 1 0 woman, great is thy faith, great finJ need grea,t faitb. Mmi SECT.