Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

I . ~~~·~~~~~~~~~·~ m .mMm ~*~tt;~mmm~ .,,o~ .. ~~¥¥~$~~v.~"'"'"~·¥?***~~~ ~·~ sE c T. VI I. ' Of the Life and Po'\\r·er of Godlinefs in Churches, Perfons, Duties. . ' .In ·oppofition ~o Hypocrifie> Deadnefs and Fonnality. ---·-- s f: R M. XXXI I~ Of qods .Omnifciency, ~ a ~o.-ti1Je to 'the cfruth and ·~lity of q~acLJ. R i. V E L. 3.I. I kn1w thy w1rks, tbAt thou hAJ'f" name that thouliveft, · d'fJd -art dead. His lafi Book of the Scripture c~lled the Reve– lation, doth it felf ne«d great revelation, to expound tbore many diificult and myfierious pdfages in ir, which made fome Commenta· ~ors-paffe it over, as Cajetan, profdliog that it div~nMione m11gu 'JHam ingeni,, to expQund it. B~t . . th~