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'; 170 Gods omnifoiency _ that Chrif\: many times knew what the thoughts ofmen were efpecia.lly ~ohn 2. 25. Ht needed not that any foould Jefliftc. ()j man, for he k.,new What W.u in m.w. But I lhall not infifl: on thif : My purpofe is to carry on the generall matter 1have ·inb1nd, vi~. The difcovery of the guile and hypocdfie that ii in m~ns lre.art, tfPe~ially in matters of piety and reli .. tt,io 11 , for whtc-h thts Text ts very pregnant, and-therefore Obfcrve, Ob/erv. • That G1iJ fJr Chrifls omnifciency ,Whereby he kt;oweth all thingJ . <?f~ods om- in us, jhould greatly move us to the truth.andreality ofgr11ce. mfmncy. We fuould not wafu the outfi·de only, but indeavour a found infide, becaufe we have to do with a God that knoweth all things, we cannot hide our ends or principles from him all our thoughts and motions of foul are plain and open fo him. To difcover this truth, take notice, G_Gd beboldeth Firft That fuch u Gods k!zowiedge, that by one fin{! le aCE he wnh one fin- d b b h' lJ ll h; {l ,r; d 6 h 1 a U ot eo t~a t ~ngs,pa , pre 1 ent an tocome, Mtoget er. So . ~h~n~ pa~ that tom, although there is fucb a difference of time, as prefem anl to pafi and future, yet t~ God there is not: Theref-ore when com'e. we attribute prefcience or foreknowledge to God, tbat is in ·, refpect: of. us, otherwife God 11eholds all things as prcfent, without fuclo'l difference. Tbus 2 Pet-3-8. 13e not ignorant of thu one thing, th:~t one day With the Lord u .u a thou]andy_eart, - and a thouj'and years .u one dPZJ• Be net ignorant of this, faith the Apofile, implying thereby the confequence of this truth. Therefore Gods knowledge is called jimplex intuiteu, a direCl: beholding and looking on all things, _as: we do with our eye upon OQe particular objeCt: Even as if amans body were all an eye, he would fee ·as well backward as forward, and the different poficions of things would be no impediment to his light; or as a man on an high tower, that feeth many palfeg- , gers going by, one after another, though their motion be fucceffive, yet the call: of his eye beholding them is in one momeRt. Hence the very Heathens called God, totm GcH!eu. Thus you fee God is omnifcient, nothing is hid from hi~, and that he beholdeth all things in the moft perfeCt and in– fa.llible manAer, which great and glorious attribute the Scri– pture doth ofc~n fpcak of, as that which we often lhouJd - meditate