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it Motive t8 truth of Graeu; 271· meditate upon, but though in the general this truth be fo great a moti•·e to truth amd fincerity ofgrac~, yet forne par• cicufars about this knowledge do more clofely work in this matter:- As 1. That not only our publique manifefl Work! are k,nown tll i. . God, but all our fecret Work.J, Whether good or evil. Davids He knows ali murder and adultery~ere carried on in fecrct waies, yet God· our fecrct. bchdd him all the while: Thou didll: it fecretly; faith God, worlls, but I will punilh thee in the open fun. Thus Mat.6. concerning private alms and private prayers, God is faid to fee il4 fecret: Now what a fharp fpur and goad fhould this be to all upriglimeffe; If I finne in feciet, though I hide it from all the world, though no man living knoweth of it, yet God he knoweth ir, and we arc more to tremble under his eye be· holding ofus, then if all the world did look upon us. The woman of Samari11 was amazed, when fhe heard Chrift admoniihing her concerning the adulterer ihe Jivtd with, Come· ( faith lhe} ~tnd fee him that hath toldme of all that ever I did, ;ohn4· Oh fct this confidcration deeply upon thy heart,. why fhould I commit this feHet finne? why ihould I be fo carefull to hide it? God kn 'eth all that everI did. z. Go.ds knowledge is not only ofour fecret works,as well' u publique, but he k._mrweth the hottom and infide of our Work!, H k'J:. h tU 'Well tU the outfide: He fecth to the coar, as well as the t~ b~~:;e ; skin, and this is chiefly meant here, Chrifi: knew her works ; and inii~e o£ , why, what are thofe ·works? for the outward appearance them. -• very good and religious, elfe how could file -h-av.e fuch a name, fuch a repute, fo that there was nothing externally blame worthy, but all tbe fault was within; it followeth,. I have n9t found thy 'Work_s perfeEl i the original is, filled up, there was much emptineffe and vanity in them, they were not weighty an.d folid, there was an image but there wanted life. And thus the Pharifees were a!fo difcovered, they bad a narrie, who but they, for extern,al obedience t.9 the Law?' but our Saviour tomplaineth of their infides, Within thf] \\?ere ravening Wolves, within they W(re noifome [epulcherJ, though painted without: Therefore arc they fo often preffcd to make cl(an their hcart5; and th cir inward paru. This _ - - ( Beloved )