aMotivet~truth of Gr.uu: 27Jmay know another mans heart, if lle manifcll it to him ; but God of his own fclf knowech the hearts oft he children of men hearts ofwife menu well as fools ; thofe who have the deepefi counfels, and the mofl: fu btle turnings of fpirit, God knoweth all thefe: Therefore the Church doth well from this argument to make her felf take heed of idolatry in a private way, Pfal. 44·2 r. Shall n6t God [earch out th~? for he knowcth the (ccrets of the h"art: Oh let every man ufe this goad, If I give way to fuch fecret finncs, ifI ufe fuch crafr. and diffimulatien in any ungodly way, !hall not God fearch out this,for he knoweth the fccrets of the heart? _, 4. God doth not onl yknow the heart, the feat of all the 4• thoughts and morions ofthe foul,the 1hop where every thing An~ aJlbt~e is hammered into one iliapc or other, but ~tll the moft [ubtle ~ffea:s ua~d tf{eEls and produEls thereof: The leatl motes cannot efcape products - being efpied : Now of all effetls flowing from the heart of thereof. man, there are two things that are moft fubtle, that if it were , poffible would not be difcovered by any knowledge humane or div;ne, and they are, firfl:, Our thoughts. Secondly, Our aims and intentions: Of all the motioas of the heart, there are none fo unperceivable as thefe are, yet God kr:toweth all thefe. Fidl, For the thoug/,ts of tt mans heart, what millions are I. there of them i,n a day 1The twinckling of the eye is not fo Thought5· ftidden a thing as the thinking of a thoughr; yet thofe thoufand.and thou(ands of thoughts which paffe from tbfe, that thou canfl: not number or make any reckoning of, they are all known -to God, P[al. I39· 2. We h:lVe there a notable Pfalm, wherein David is greatly affe&ed with rhi5 omnifcience of God, Thou lznoweft my down·jitting, ,a,;d.uprijing,thou • underftandeft my thought afarre off: that is, God though afarre off in the hene'ns, fo that we would think he did not take notice of what i3 done in earth, yet he fo farrc under· fia~ds all things, that our very thoughts are known to l1im, or elfe our thoughts while they are afarre off, befor~ they come to be expreffely conceived and formed, while they are in the Chaos, in the confufed womb of the foul, God know.. cth them, he what we \Qill think, befor.e we do N n think: