Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

4M8tive t1 tru~h ofGrac!_;}~ ne1fe of their hearts. The Pharifees they did all thintt t1 ~e 1 feen of men, yet did they perceive t~is, or were they convince({ of it~ Did jehu think they were only carnall and felf– Hh motives that drew him out in all that zeal he lhewed for God? Oh what godly man may not lye down with 'great flume and fay 1 there is fuch a,myftery of iniquity in his beart, that be knoweth not how to underftand it? Well, though we do not many times di(caver our aim5 and intentions, yet God doth thy vain glory, thy wordly interefis, they are all plain to him; he puis off the vizor that is upon every mans heart, he draweth the curtain, and looketh upon things as they are: Heh. 4· u,q. the ~Word of God is tbctre faid to divide between the joJnts ~na the mArrow, that i$, the intim.c and the minima, and is adifcerner of the'thought.r and intentt •f' the'.heart, fo that every creature is open m his fight; as when a facrifice was ·opened and divided into piece,, all the inwards of it were difcovered. This confideration tken mufi: needs greatly provoke to fincerity of grace, for hypocrific is in nothing more then in a mans ends : This bath been the great mifcarriage of many, who have feemed to be in the ' ready way to heaven; They_followed CbrHl: for his loaves, Tbe~y k.pew Chrift after the jlefo; and thereupon afcerwards difcovered they had no true root: but when we come to rea– fon with our felves, God he knoweth why I pra.y, why I bear, why I walk in a more ftrict ptofeffion of Religion then others do; G()d knoweth what my aim and motive is in all this, w·hetht;r it be principally for God, and from a love or deti,ght in him, or whether it be from any corrupt and infincere refpcCl:: This will be of great confcquence to U!h _ I ' ; . As God knoweth tl1e thoughts and motions of our r~ hearts f-or the pt;efent, .fo a'lfo for the future, What \t'e Will H: knows ar.l tLinL,' - and 'W.hat 'We ~i/{do: and this doth wonderfully ex· tfhtngs fo~_ th~ r~ -~ • , u'ure - .akr:heknowledge of God, from all etornity he knew. what · tbOJJglu~, and whart affections thou wouldft have. Thus. Chrill he, told Perer, that he would deny him. Hence are ~1-ijtho(e ~d~;nirable predicl:i.ons in the Scripture, wbidi did propqe[Je ~apy- hundred years' before the men were·born; .} Nn 2 what ' .