Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

276 Goas omnifciency whattbey weuld do in time, yea God doth not only know the future ·abfolute adions of men., but the conditionate what they would do if put in fuch and fuch conditions : A; God revealed to D~tvid what the mmof K-eilt~h. would do if he came down thither; but this mufi be rightly under~ flood; There is not fuch a fcientia mdia, as the Jefuites and Arminians make, as if God did forefee what man would do, if put in fuch or fuch a condition, 'vi:::.. beleeve, or not be– l.:eve, antecedently to any decree of God,- and thereupoA they make God to predefi inatc fome to falvation upon faith thus forefccn: No, we fay fuch aknowledge cannot be, be– caufc theobjetlcannot be fcibile, or have any truth in it, till Gods decree be to give i~ fome being; but when this is pre:: fuppofed, then we fay, God knoweth what man wi-ll /do when he is iq fuch an ef1ate, fuch a. temptation; Thus the . '-- heart of aman is all open as it were of glalfe to God. 6. 6. God bec;~ufe of hu infinite bein,~, k.__noweth our \\'ork!, our God knows thoughts, and rmr hearts, better then \\?e do o11r [elves. We , our works and are more known_to him then to our own fpirits : Thus thouhghts bdet· the ApoRle, I John 3.20. If our heartscondemn m, Godi.s tc:rtc:nwe ·o. h h .r:: hl. , hllb' h. __ - grt~tter t en ottr Jearts, J or _e "-nowet 11 • t mgs : So t at tf · the corruptions and finfulnelfe we efpy tn our fdve.s be fo great in our own eyes, wh:1tare they in Gods mo.fl pure eyes? He fcech mere pride, more unbelief,more guile and fallhood then ever thou couldll difcern. , 7• 7· God doth not onely /z.now our hearts and \\?or,0, by a jingle, f1od beholds h.tre beheiding of them, but· M a judge, giving either approha· our hkmts and tion or condmJnation. Thus God k..noweth the \\Jay of the righwor s, as a · b · d · d h ,.f h J do teom, by appro atton, to rewar lt, .an t e~ay o 1 t eWick.: u ce~ ed, by condemnation, to pu~ilh it: So that this kAowleage will produce great effects, etcher ofcomfort or terror. V[e of-Admonitirm, Doth God. thus know all things, all thy fiones, all thy duties, all thy thoughts and ends ? then be thou quickned up to all fiqcerity in the waies ofgodlinefs, what a vain thing will the applaufe ofmen, -their good words do thee? ~/hen God iliall fay, Depart thou hypocrite into cverlafiing fire : What a dreadfull thing js it for thee to ~pplaud thy own felf,_and others to bl~lfe thee; and God tO· c.urfe