iJ M1tlvet1 trNthofGrau..J: 'J77 <urfe thee becaufe of tby unfound and rotten heart? Oh con~ . fider that all things are naked and open to that God, whom thou ferveft, to whom thou prayefi, with whom thou haft to·do ; what Sermon, what truth will enter like a fword into thy bowels, if thi!i do not? Doefl thou think to put offGod, as the11doefl: put cffmen ? will he make.po deeper fearch in– to all thy waies of wickednelfe then th~y do? AHflin fa id, Mmy that were dead are praifcd for Saints in heaven, who yet it may be, arc roaring as damned rnifcreants in hell. There· fore the Apofile giveth us a good rule, Ga/.6.4. Let every man prove his own work, fo that Ilc have rejoydng in him– fclf, and not in another; J~s a weak and unfafe thii)g,ro build all thy hopes of falvation upon the good repute ot_hers give of thee; though they be Minifiers and godly friends, they know not what is in the bottom of thy heart: Tbeir charity makes them judge .weJJ, when it may be God knoweth it is otherwife with thee. · · V(e z. of Confolatlon to the ·godly, That mourn under their finnes ~nd failings, bewaile their hypocrifie," and trcm· ble under this truth, Though the world be apt to call thee a.nihs,pocrite, eo mifconO:ruc all thou doefi;to charge all goile upon,th~e, .yet God knowcth all things, h~ knoweth thy in– tegrity, he fc:cd1 how much thou ,hatefi thofe~ns tlley blame thee for, ~h itswell for the godly that Ged knowcth them• . , :.: J J ,.' r. : ,, ! , ,.