/ • I , pfq.nly h•vif;g A fjame ~olive. . .•~~-&&ili.ifil&•••~a SERM.•· XXXIIJ._ Of· ha"ping one/y aName !O li"Ve, d.....J ' :Rqute of being. ,~igiout without · any ~rue Liff!..J. R l! V E Le J• J. I k11ow thyworks, that thou bapanamzthAt thlulivefl,t~nJ _ Art de4ti. . . ., . -. Vv. . E have aJre,ady declared the arraignment tand. in- ; 1 ditement of .the Church ofSardu, and ·the evidc:nt conviaion of the finne charged upon her, to be the two· mai~ parts e>f t_bis Epiftle. The Evidence bath been confidered of. ' We come now to the I nditement it felf, and that is for foch a finne as cannot be accufed in humane Courts, nor is punilha·– ble by mans Laws, vi~.Hypocrijie and Injincerit] in t.he dutie9 of Religion; Had all ~he Neighbour-Churches been called to give in their verdict, they would ~ave patfed a clean con– trary cenfure, and acquitted her with great appfaufe, but GQd/euhnot, or judgeth M man doth• .· The Bi-H of the- Arraignment ·runneth thus, Thou hajf a nAme that thou Jiveft ,anda1·t dead. Life and death are here ta– ken fpiritually and myl1:ica-lly. L ife (s for that ftatCH>f grace, whereby we move and are aet:ive in the things of God, Peath ·· ' ·is a fl:ate, of finne, whereby we 'te wholly fenOetfe either of OlU'· mifery:, or any heav(nff~emedy, and are unable to m9vcor ftirre ona foot to heaven> and alfo are.fo many noi... - · ·· fome