I So - Of ~Ply h~v/ng a'Nam~ to lifJt: · let uuherefore confider firfi what goeth to mak'e iip this What goes to Name of an heavenly and religious life, when yet there is make a man nothing hut death. And r~prted ~ea·rFirft, There mufl be an innocency andfteeJom ftom fcam1aloUI ;f:u~ an re 1 ~r infamomJinnes: For thefe foggy vapours will quickly dar-.. • 1 ; ken and becloud the bright Jufire of a reli~ious name: The Freedom frem prophane man cannot have a rume that he hveth, but his own infamous fiHs. confcience, and the confcicnce of all others doth condemn · him for a dead man. Therefore fuch are to be caft out from this fociety, as we bury the dead that they may not annoy tbe living: Even as Origen telleth us of the Pythagor1ims, who were a firict feet, and kepf rigid Difciplioe amoagfl them~ felves; if any amongO: them committed a foul offence, they caft him from among themt and fent him a Ceffin, as unto a dead man. Now this is the cafe of many Chriftians, they have no other name but of wretched and dead men in their finnes, they are noifomt carcafes all over the place where they live; Let not then thefe dead flies fall intcttby box of oint· ment, for they will make all unfavoury. · 2. Secondly, As there muft be freedomfr~mgreat finJ, fo there A tonft3tnt muft be a crmflant performance oflllll religiom duties, and the fo· ~~ra{t~ji~~~us ltmn ,cbferv~nce ()f the Ordinances ChriJ! hath 'ommanded: For .d 111 ties meer negatrves are not en@ugh to ratfe the name of a man ' forgodlinetfe: There muft be pofitives alfo, the not doing good is doing great evil in Ch~ifiianity; therefore God threa– tens this Church to come M a thief in the night, that is, terri– bly and fuddenly, not for any prophaneneife or impieties, but meerly for emptineife and deficiency in ho\y ·duries J Its not wilde fruit~ but only the good fruit is not ripe enough, as UW'atth.13. The te.mporary believer is faid, That h1 doth not 'nMq~o;vbringfr/rth fruit to perfeilion. There is fome fruit, butit is not kindly, it is not ripe. Jf then God be angry with prayers and duties not filled up wir.h grace, how much mor.e for the total emiffion and neglect of them? Oh t.hco confider this, and Jay·it to heart, you cannot fo much as have the name of agodly man, unleffe there be aconfiant perfor– mance of all tbofe duties and religious worthip which God rtquireth, A nttme indeed thon haft, by thy very Baprifm and uc_crnal