a8J - 'of ~t~ly having a-NAt»e to1/ve: ... have departed from her are dtad and no Churches; We tfe th~refor~ that rpen differ ~bout what i.s piety, .what is t~ue re– ligiOn, and as one man ts an he~ettck to another -, fo one aa Idolater to another, Qne Church no Cburcll to ano– ther. We mufl: come therefore to the fore Word of God~ ~s they did to SQ/omon ,to know which is the live childe, or the dead. + · Fourthly, T_hu Name, of Rtligion u then-more f~morA·and 1'h~ l:1am~. of glorious when there are extrar-rdinary parts ,nd gifts, or mir~· · 'Rehgt~n 15 the culom ~pert~tion.r, then the repute of piety iJ moree'(/i/ybelieved. b;o~~w:u~~, As that JudM did become a Difciple of Chrifl and profcffed the more exfaith in him, was nothing fo great for his name, 1-s· that he u.aonHnary prophcfied in Chrifis name, and wrought miracles. Tbis gtft~ and pam would make his name foufld every where.· And indeed it is 'hm ~e. very hard to think whe~c God giveth fuch gifts of illumination and miraculous operations,that he doth not alfo befiow the grace of fantlification, but that thefe two may eafily 'be divided and (eparated, our Saviour M~ttth.7. makes it very· evident, and Paul 1 Cor.13• ' Sigas ~~creby T.hefet~ings premifed, let us confider what are the Signs wepga;onet ·hthaht or dtfcovenes whereby we may guher that a perfen bath the :a er1 ' at f 1· · I' · fl b · I d d but the N~tme name o rvmg re sgsou ' y, Ut ts tru y ea • ofbeing reliAnd firfi, They thllt arc thm nomin.th ~tnd not rMls, tht] gious, yet is u[Hal/y reft in thuNflme. They put confidence in this fame trulydead, and dh:em they have, not at all looking any ful'~ber. The - 'Th 1 i 11 Apoftle excellently defcribeth fuch an one, R6m. z. 17,I8,I.9, reft?n ~h~ Y 20. He fpeakcth there of a Jew, who was inflruffed in the N~tmc. ~illof God, aguideand light to others, havinga form of k_now• - ledge, &c. and which was the deadly herb in the pottage, he tdlcd in this, and made boafi: of it. Irs- a wonderful thing , to fee how aman will put confidence in tile meer form and bare fuape of celigron. The Jews generally were dcfiroycd by this ftnnc,and certainly this is an epidemical difeafe among Chriftiaas• they refi: in the form of religion without the power whu;h is to take the fuadow without the fubftancc. In other things men would not content themfelvcs fo, what is the forru or pttlure of meat to an hungry fiomack? The fhape and repr~fentati~n of ~re ~o a cold man i and thuJ::d