Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

8{ ln]J hAving aNAme tl li'Yt~ deed were thy heart fenfible of thy fpir:itual neceffitics and wams, thou wouldft look to more then the meer external form of any ducy, where is the life and power of it? as flle {aid, Givt me children el[e I die; fo wouldft thou, Lord, give me this life of grace, this power of godlindfe in all my du· ties, elfe I am damned : Do thou then wejgh all thy religious dude~t, for God will, and whatfoevcr is too light, too emp· ptr, tha.t hat h nothingbut cull:om and a form in it, fay, Thii God wtll nQt accept ef. Secondly, Wht re t here is onl~r aName of life, andyet in- -. wardly dead, There the root and bottfJrYJ, er JP ring of rtligioUI Th 2 ' a J~ties, i.1 whai!J wit~ered ~~~~dried up. That as it is faid of the fpri~gr~f;el~~ ~ Church, She u glortoUJ wtthm, fo on the contrary here, fuch gious dutie$ is are glorious without, a11d rotten or withered within; what dded up. was in the botcom of' the Pharifees hearts, notwithfhnding their prayers, alms and fafl:ings? nothing but muck and filth, compared therefore to painted fepulchres, fair apples, but rotten at the coar. Now alclwugh man cannot fearch into , this, yet God can. He feeth what flowers grow upon thorns, and what grapes upon thifiles, hence Chrifi Lulz.6.45. make1 the good treafure of a man, to be his good aAd fanClified. heart, thy fpiritualriches and wealth lieth not in multitude of dutics,nor excellency of parts, but ·in the fpiritual good– neffe of thy heart; and where this is wanting, though che(e may be fome outward glory and hope, for awhile, yet want· inga root, a (pring, it muit: neceffarily dry up. Oh the~ con· fider whfther thy heart,be not a barren wildernelfe, thy foul be not like the mountains of Gilboa, that have no dew on them I Pray thou docfl, hea·r thou doefi:, acknowledge thou docfl: thy felf to be a Chrifiian, but thy inwards are altogc-. ther rotcenneffe. Are not thy duties like thofe herbs that grow in a dry wall, Jhougb t hey bud and blo!fome,yei: there is no root for them. l cell you the marrow and very e!Tence lieth i·n this, to hive~ a root,- a fp rins within: Every thing may be painted,but life : The flupe and lineaments of body, thefe may be reprefenred eo your es-e, but life and motion - Art canndt imita~e.' The hy pocrite he can go as farre as the outwarddury, but then che -vital acts; and in~ard motions . 0 o z of 1 /