Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

ofONly hiving 4 Name tl live: of grace, thof~ he cannot attain unto: Oh ·then·that our hearers were wife to underfiand thefe things 1Have I any moro then a·form upon me, while the Word is preached? Pbth God ever yet breathed the fpirituallifc of gra'ce in my foul? Am I hot a very dead wretch for aH my duties, profeffion to this very day ? Oh it is to~e feared that this is the cafe ofma– ny 1 All within is corrupt and fefl0effc, how glorious foever outwardly. When God promifed temporal mercies concer– ning lfhmael, Oh thatlfl;mael might live, faith Abraham, as ifall outward mercies were nothing, unleffe he had Gods favour alfo. . , Thirdly, Uftlen ofa' name for piety, -without the true ptJ-wer of .- it, they only attend to '<.,eep NP thu Name. All their endeavour They g~ely at• i~ ~o fupp~rt this re~ute and efieem, n.or: at all ~iming at, ami tend to ketp up hvmg t.o .htm : They ta~e up c.JJ:fachtavtls Wtcked coun[eJI, ~his NAtJZC. The 6p1nzonand repute oj vertue u neceJTary ~tnd ~tdvantag11m, lmt the reality of it u A burden. No great thing can be done, ' no honour canbeattained without the repute and form ofre– ligion : Therefore thole who abhorre the llfe of it, make ufe of the name of it. Now how farre was the ApoRte PaHl fromfuchatemper? 1Thejf.z.3r4· Hedidnotfeek glory of men, but did fo difcharge his truft, not as pleafing men, but God which trieth the hearts; Thuefore if the Gofpel did flourifi.l, aod the fouls of men were edified; thou@h he -were accounted as a cafi-away, he mattered it not: Oh then be afraid of thy fdf, when thou art onely, carefull to keep up thy Name, thy Glory, but doeft not regard the glory of God; thou minddl more the applaufe of men, and their good words, then the tefiitnony .of a good confcience before God. This vain-glory is a worm or cater-pillar that will quickly devour all that fceming fruit which groweth upon /tbee. r . ·4,: Fourchly, where ther~ u nothingbnt aN11me of life, there u Ther haye no inward!} no delig.ht 11nd true joy in ()Ur heaven1y appro.lches t oGod. t 1~uhe J?Y ~.de- There is no communion or fellowlhip with God in thcfe du... 1g t m tNetr • · 'b f 'd f: 1 · h h approaches to ties, you may perceive y many o . D.tTJt sP a ms, w ac ap~ God. pinC'ffe and joy he found in the Ordinances, which made him " long for them, M the Hart t~fter the.Wllter brook!; .This could,.- llOt.