t1S of only h~ving ANA.'IIe tD liv!...J; tue coming from God into our fouls by thefe duties as lhe did from Chrill, by touching his garment. , 6. Sixthly, Where th~re is only a N4me of life and no more, , !n (uc:h thet·e Vox & preterea nihil, as he faid of the Nightingal, [acoin 15 ffi 0 ft.edfaft· doathcs but Efau''s body, There can be no jJ4bilitJ or fteafaft· Jle e. neJTe in the aa) of violent temptations; and WC may obferve that our Saviour did greatly preffe this-upon his Difciples, to make them fuch as could abide al! tempefis ; To thispurpofe Luk! 6. is that Parable of the foolifh and wife builder, as alfo Mattlr.I 3· of the thorny ground that for a while did ~ flourifh, tilt the fcorching Sunne arofe, an(why was all this Apoftafie? becaufe they had no root, they did not dig deep enough to build on a rock; where therefore there is no true life of grace within, all duties and every profeffion will n• nith, like the land.flond it will quickly dry up for want of a fpring. Take away the formal and carnal rcfpeC\:s that moved bin1 to religious duties, and then you take away the pillar of . , bis, building; putthisrufh from the mire, and it will not grow. Lafttv, Where there is only a Name of life, and not life _- · it felf, There aft the duties of religion are b] the by , the accejfo- ~), the le(Je principal, but umhly content! ana delight/ arc the main andprincipal. Thofe in Amos 8 .5. that did keep up the folcmn duties God required, did them only for fafhion fake, to keep upaname, for their hearts were not in them, they asked when the new moom and- SabbathJ "Would 6e over, that ' they m·ight to their earthly imployments; And if there were nothing but this,we might fadly complain, tha t there is no.. thing but the name of Chrifiianicy and religioneverywher~, ', for wbo makes godiineffe his main bufineffeand i_mployment, whocan{aywithPaul, Gll.3. Inolongerlive , b~J~ Chrift in him: Oh firive to write afrer this copie, t-ake Paul for an example, Not I but Chrift liveth in ne ; why dorh that prou.d felf, that worldly felf, t hat carnal felf live in thee? Vje. Of Exami-nation, Let it come to the touch fione and trial, be willing to drink down this jealoufie· warcr, go and weigh your perfons, your duti:s, your prof(ffion in the ba- - _ lance