~' 2e It's a breach of the third Command– meHt. J 0 I only hll'rfi»g'a Name tolivt~ ' ·names of things, we mull: come to make the definition of th~ir natures: Its one argument that our Div-ines ufe ~gain£1: theSocinians, who hold Adam was created a very fimple in– nocent man, even like an Infant; that he was inducd with full knowledge and wifcdom, becaufe God brought all the creatures to him, and he gave them names ,which proveth ,that he knew all their natures J fo then the name and rhe nature lhould agree, if thou art called a beleevcr, thou fhould!l: live the life of faith; if thou art named a Saint,thou fhouldtl: live as one that is holy to tbe Lord ; If thou art called a Chrifiian thou -lhouldft have that fpirituall anointment of all graces upon thee, othcrwife thou art a Chrifrian by an .Antipf:i'rafe, quaftnoChrifiin:t, as they fay ~ellum qui111 mi– nime bellum, or as in the Hebrew, a·n whore is called a fanCl:i· ficd or holy one, in a clean contrary fenfe: Confider then, .how abfurd a thing it is for thee to have 1 the name of a be– leever, who linft as an Athiefi, Thou fpeakcfi, thou doft as if the Scripture were not true, as if the promifes were not faithfull, ot the threatnings fure; God fometimes changed names, but then he made a reall cha~gealfo: Thus Abraham andSarah, fo Peter was. ~alled Ceph.u: If it be thus with thee, that fince thou hafr thefe glorious Names, tbou hall had alfo a mighty change in thy converfa.tion; this is good and comfortable : Its hoted as a ridiculous imitation in tbe Popes who upon their creation take new mmes: Clemm.rand ,Vr– !Janm fach {lleafing titles, be they never fo cruell and oppref· fiveof th.e truth, That Incendiary ofthe whole world would be called Bonifacil14, though he was one of the .worCl .Male· f11c.i.u·s that ever lived: Oh then let this make thee afha1:ned, out of thy impiety and wickedneffe fay, What an abfurd, foolifh thing is ic, that I lhould take thofe folemn a11d even dreadfull titles of a Beleever, aChrilt:ian upon me, and yet live like aBeaR: or a devil? :z. Its a direEl bret~tch of the third CrJmmandment, ,ThOPt /h4lt not taks the Name of tf9e Lord thyGod in Vfitin, far which there ·is that fevere commination, God 'Will not h,fd them guiltlef{e that do{o. To take Gods Name in vaiR is not only by perjury andby that ordiauy curling and fwe:~.ring amongft men, but every '