Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

/ l· of only hAving aName to Jive.· every thing by which Gad is made known eo us., is-Gods ) Narpe: Tqus his Ordinances, his worfhip, his truth, ·thefe are his .Nt.me, and we take them in vain when we only keep up the lxrernall form of them, not putting forth the life and power of them, Thus the Jews and all fuch Gentiles as come into the outward prof~11ion ofGods trutH and worfhip, his name is faid to be called upon by them, fo that .an empty dead Chrifiian is a finner in ,an higher manner then at fi r-fi we wotiId think : Thefe Titles are facrcd and religious, They are Gods Name, and for thee to ufe it idlely and vainl·y, pro– "VOketh God, and he will not hold thee guilcleffe: Oh how little do thefe- dead form~ll Chtiflians think eo fiode them– -felvcs out in the number of 'perjured and prophane cmfers at the laO: day? Thofe would upon every occalion take thename of God in their mouths, ~nd alfume (t, eo wicneffe a lie, and thus doll thou continually by having the mme of Religion, but being defiitute of the rcall power of ic. g, Wherfthcreu~nly namean,d noi ;t w_a rd life, therci&area!l 3 • andJlain denying of God, renouncing of God, Tit . r, r 6, They It' s a denyin:. , • profeffe they kno\f God, but in works theyde ny h;m: God of God. :> 'doth not mat.ter thy profeffion, thy re ligio us wodhip, when .he feeth thy works to the contrary: In the Civd l Law, il•s a rule, Non valet protejlatio contra f aDum, much leffe will thy bare proceflat ion prev;til agaiall thy works, l(a. r. Thofe Jews tbit did fo much abound in ~xternall worlhip, th at they even wearied God, God proft'olfeth his great hat red and .a– bomination of them: The ki!ling of a Sacrifice was as abominable as to cut (Jff"' dogs head, and why fo? They did not \Vafo them, or mak.§ them clCPtn; and therefore hecals rhem not Jews, as they were by profc11ion, but (PrincES of Sodom and Gomo.rrhli, as they were by reall wicked actions, and thus the Apo.O:Ie Rom.z.· faith that Circumcijion u made unci'(cum· cifio" to him that ohcyeth not the Law: I tell thee thy propha-, 1 nelfe,thy lukewarrnneffemakes thee as if thou wert no Cbrifhan, makes thee as it were an heathen and a firanger to the Common.weal th of Ifrael. Did Chrifl look upon it other• wife then a mockery and a reall renouncing of them, when they put .a~rown upon his head, and faid, Hail, K ing of the Pp { ews l (