Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

290 ofl'nly hAving li Ndr»e to Jivf Je-ws? for by their actions they crucified him, though by their r words they feemed to honour him. · 4~ · ' 4· A name 'Without life is agrMt repro_ach and difoonour to It's a great re- God; for hereby the name of God is blafpherned, and his – p:·~ch and · truth derided, when mens lives are fo contrary to their duuono1:1r to Tb dl J · d h Goa. _ names. Rom. z. e ungo y ew ma ·et eName of God to be 0 _,. f• lt1s a vain thing. / bla[phemed amongfi the Gentiles; What unworthy ud flume~ full things any fervams do, it redounds to the reproach of - their Mafter; Now all menby their Chriftian profeffion acknowledge Chrift their Lord and Mafier: if therefore fudt "' do wickedly, Chrifi is immediatly di!honoured by them, Let every one thAt nameth the name of ChriH depart from iniquity, 2 Tim.~.I9· Naomi.woul4 not have her own name, becaufe her condition was fo contrary to it,Call.me no more Naomi,but Marah, faith !he~ fo maill: thou.fay, Call me not a Bcleever, aChrifi:ian, for I have not the life of truth, but rather I am unfavoury fait, I am a fpot and a blemiili to Chrifi: and the Church wherein I live. The honour the!:) and glory of God, fhould -be a great motive with thee;. How can I do this and blafph~me that holy Name wherewith I am called? This made Ambro{e fay, Nomen inan-e was crimen immane, an em– pty name was an horrid crime, becaufe God is hereby re– proached as if he countenanced a_nd allowed ·ruch foll~ ower~, 5. Its a vain thing,Jor it cannot hide thee frsm the "Wrath of God; He feeth through thy name into thy nature and life God is not 1ike old lfaac that takes Jacob for E[au becauf; of his counterfeit garmenu ; But as Jeroboams Wife-, though lhe had difguifed her fclf, yet as foon as the 'Prophet heard her feet at the threfhold, he faid, Come in thou Wife of rere– hoam; · fo can God much rather fay, Come in thou hypocrite, Come in thou worldling, thou proud man, though thou dif· -guifefl thy felf by names and pretences,. Do not then think. of thy fel · as commended bt this the more unt0 God: And, as it is avain thing in rcfpeel ofGod,fo it is alfo as w thy corn· fort and good : The bare name of ChrHlianity doth not give thee any fon l· faving benefits; It brings not .pardon of finne · or intefi into theKin~domof Glory, nomore thea-the riame - of