Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

o(only haviwg a Name to li'tle·~ · , 291 .of meat will feed an hungry man, or the name or rayment doathe anaked man. Therefore the Apofl:le il!l that Epifile to 1ttmescap.z. doth on purpofefet himfelf eo fhew the infuffi· -ciency of titular faith, if it be not accompanied with an ho· Jy li_fe,. it~~ ad~ad faith , and the man is avainman.What wiltt thou_do then, 0 thou dtciver of thy own foul, in the day of death and God~ wrath will this bare name be proved {ufficitnt tokeep off the fcorching be~t of the Sunne? Will this · adminifter any true peace and folid joy to thee? Wha~ if m<n c 11 thee rich, when thou art extremely poor? What if thev call thee fou nd and w.ell, when thou art pained with ex– ~aifit:c torments? and what if c:>thers do praife thee, call thee a good man, a religious man, when thy confcience may .coAdemn rbee for a dead wretch ? If then a name a-nd nothing elfe be accounted a vain thing in other mat– t~rs, why not efpecially in Religion which is wholly pracl:i- " call ? - · 6. The excellent promifes and priviledges of Religion- are not 6. made to·namts and titles, but realities; We reade in Scripture The excellent of great and glorious things promifed, jufiification of our promifes ar~ / perfons, adoption, bol4netfe with God, atfurance at the net made to lt· Throne of Grace, and anhappy enjoyment of God for ever: Now who e they whom Godwill thus honour? Thofe that have aname and title only? not but there mufi be. the reall qualifications and conditions which God requireth, Ifa·44· 3,4,). We have there an excellent promife of the Name and ~ature together; Whatrefrefhments and {pirituall waterings they flull have that take _Gods Name upon them, I ~ill pour ~ater upo~ the thirfly,_and flouds 11pon the dry ground: Here a rnan,unfantl:ified is compar~dto a dry ground and a wilder- · neffe, and the grace of God to precious ftreams and flouds poured out upon ir, and they iliall not only have the life of . grace,but they fhall flourif!l and grow as W11lows by the wa– ter-courfes: Thus God will !lntlifie their inwards and blelfe their o~uwards, and '?hen thus qualified, then one jhtl!lfay l am the Lords, Andanofher ./hall en// him/eljbythe Name of {aceb, -and amther /hallfi~bfcribe 'With hi& hand unte the Lord, andfirname himfelf bJ the Name of 1/r~R.el: See herewbat kinde of Pp -~ pcrfons