'' ofonlyhAving aName tolive. perfons thofe fhould be that call OA ·Gods Name, and give, thcmfelves up to him, perfons powerfully and plentifully . wrought uponby the holy Spirit of God; who of a wilder– neffe are become a ,pleafant para.dife: We reade that the , C-hurch fomerimes ufeth this argumenr, why God fhould r more ('[p~cbllf proteCt hef, and fhew mercy to her, even _ becaufe fhe cals on his name, Jer. I 4 9• why {houldjl thou 6e ,u 11. manafto11ied, M a mighty man that cannot jave? Jet thou 0 Lordart in the midfl ofm, and 'We are called6y thy name; and [a.Io.zs .TheProphet thinketh this argument enough to pour · out his Wrath upo~<~ the heathen, bccaufe they call not on Gods Name. But when a people have rebelled againil: God, and walked contrary to him, then this argument will not prevail till there be repentance and reformation, as appeareth by Gods dealibg with chc people of Ifrad; fo then confider· with thy felf; To whom do thofe promifes belong of grace and falvation? who a1'e they that have the Lord forcheir portion and falvat iori? Evt:n fuch as wirh the-name have the power alfo ofChrifiianicy.Thcrefore befides this openknown Nameof a Chrifiian or Beleever, we rea de ofa new f(crtt Name which non k.ptw b11t he that hath it ; and this is pwmi· fed to him that overrometh, to him that is reall and power– full in the waies of God, Rom. 2.7. Oh then eo fider .whe-. thcr thou hafl: rh is new Name in a whire frone, ~s an allu– fion they fay to the cunome of Heathens, who ufeo to·acq'uit a manaccu!ed by a white fione, and wr1ring his N:1me there– in_: fo thlt this is a glorious prornife of an excellerit Na·me, viz:.. . to be the 'sons of God in deed and in power, and fuch · knowledge they fhall have of this, that they thernfelves fhdl be certain of ir, although they cannot exprelfe it to another: They cannot reve.al jt ro another, becaufe of the unfpeakable fweetneffe and delight thfy feel,among themfelves: As a man that tafieth and eatetb honey ca·n never expreffe it by words fo eo another that knoweth it not, th~t he fhall be able to perceive it. Thus we have alfo an excellent promife made, ·1fa.65 .5. Td the godly Jews called Eunuchs, becaufeofcheir feparation into a firange Land, and fo without any hope of ;1 p.ofictity ~fter thme, I Will give them 11 hetter Name then of ) - Sons