Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

ofQnly b~tviHg AN11me to live~· 293 SonJ"andDaugbters,and that was to be Gods Sons and Daugb.· · ters; (@ that howfoever there be great names f~JJ of glory in the world, a d comfortable names, as of father and children, -yet if we have tbe power as 1 well as the title of our Chrifiiannames, they are more excelleP.t and joyfull th~n all thefe, How fru~uld this provoke you to have life it felf as well as the nameof it, becaufe to it only thefe glorious things do ' belong~ ' · 7•,Thu Name to live ~ithout life it f elf, ~il.l bring ll greater · 7 • curfe, and doth expofe m to agreater condr:mnatton then thofe who It expofeth a never k.,new ihuN dme of (jod01\_ called on it• . Thue is nothing man ro gre~te more ordinary thenout of Scripture to hear that eveR hea- condcmnaoon h hn. f H h b S cl' . IL ll b then thofe t ens, yea, t e woru o eat enS', t e o omltes, ma · e who nevc.r · lcffe punifhed then rhe Jew who -yt:t hf!d the only name .of knew the God~people in the ·whole world; Oh tbis very Name, this name of God. veryTitle will coil: thee deer: In Valtns the En:1perou,rs time, a·n Oracle was bruited abroad, that one whole Name did begin with Theod fuould be Emperour, 'whichmade all thofe ofquality whofe Name did begin fo, TheodoruJ , or Theorjofim, or Thaodulm, to be put t o death , a meer Name cofi them fo dear. Hath it not been made ncafon by the· Lawsof many Nations, to counterfeit the name, andpretend robe fuch p~rfons to whom the fur ream power dotb belong, when indeed they were counterfeits? Hath not (uc~ mme:: and ci. ties coil: themdear?·· How theQ will God let it go unp~nilh-· ed, when thou fhalt affume his mme andprofc-ffion upon thee, pretend to behis ~ori andDifciple, yet be di!covered to be a meer counterfeit ? The greater torments in_l:ell are pre-: pareg for wickedChrifiians, Heithens and Pagans receive a leffcr c9ndemnation; Know, tba t as his Name hath exalced . thee above others, fo it makes thy wii.kedne!fe greater, and thy judgem~nts will depreffe ch~e lower: Be then arraid ra· ther then boafl: of that holy name u.-h~eby thou arc called; Say, wha t aconviction and conrle~mtion will this be · to me at ·theday of judgeme;-Jts? lf I would not by my life obey. hiscommands, why rlid 1 takethat Name upon me? If I woulJ not conform to his precepts, why wo_uld I be accounted ofhi~ family? Out of ~hy own mouth God will condem~ - thc.e. Pp 3 1 8. Thu ,