2·94 of on!y-having 4 N,:me to live. g. · 8~ ThUName of living Witheut life it {elf, d{)th ;f9t o.nly difltdothaworld honourGod, deftr6]thy (elf, btit alfod~tha~orldofhurt too· of hurt t o. others: It makes them rdl contented with fuch forms and ther men. titles; They think there is no more to be done thtn to be b· ptized~ and to provdfe we beleeve in Chrifi, let our 'con~ verfauon be never fo prophane andwicked; The Pharif(cs by that name and title, drew thoufand of profelytc~ into hell I . Cautiom. I. II.· with themfdves: There is no open- enemy c_an do fo much hurt to the way of godlinelfe, as a formal, empty Chrifii3n who walketh plaufibly in the outward form of piety, but i; negligent of the lively. exercife thereof: This maR makes all his family, all his a.cquaintance fuch painted Sepulchres, fuch - glorious pidurcs ; He keeps them all in. dead duties and a · deld Religion, they thinking it not' manners_ or wifedom to _ be more fervent and zealous then fuch an one of fo great a Name, Now to thefe aggravations I Chall fubjoyn fome few Cau-· tions: As . ' Fidl, Y:1 good name in Religion is to he rr~;cintained and k.!pt up, · as Se/omen Pro.:u.I. preferr~th it aboverichesandgold, and the excellency orufe of this appeareth by Satan and his in· l1ruments, who have alwaies laboured to befmear the godly with ill names, hoping thereby to make the godly more odi– ous; Thus the Chrifiians were of old called /3op/3ae_(w.t, as if they were Swine wallowing in the mire, and fome think they were called c~licol~. -as-if they wodhipped the heavens and the clouds, becaufe they had no Images or Idols: Our Savi– our was traduced in his name as an impofior, as one that bad c-ompa8:with the devils; Thus agood name is_to bt defired, and to be kept up. But Secondly, This is not to be done for vain-glory and the applaufc ofmen; but that hereby the Gofpcl of God maybe honoured, and others encouraged to come in to Chrifi. 'i'ra– jan the Emperour out of vain-glory would hayc his Name fct up in every building: Therefore Conftantine the Great called himHerba p.crietari.e, the wall-gillyflo.wer, becaufe his name was in ~very Wall : A~d Tuti] obferved it as a vain;. glorious aCt ~f thofe that wrote Books De conterm1end11gloria, · yet I