.of only having A NAme tb Jive~ yet they would fubfcribe theirnltne~ to be known : This a~: btt:ion is ridiculous but to keepupa good name and a glort– ous repute, -that therebyg-odlineffe may be honoured, and others won to love - th~ truth. is t1ut which our Saviouux– preffely commands, when hefaith, Let your light fo fh;;ge be~ , foremen, thatthey ma)glorifteGod, Mat.5.16. Yea Thirdly, Its not only l,rwfull ·thm to have a name, and to ~rep up the eXternal/ profejfien ·of faith in Chrift, but it ~sa dtuy. No man may t iilk it enough ro k"ep a good heart, though they make no exprdlion of this,' or om.IO. With the heart man beleeveth, and 'With the mouth crm effion i& made to [alv11tion ; and this rebukc.'th two torts of men : Some 'there are, that though their expreffions are never fo wicked, their Jives never fo foul, yet they fay, their hearts are as good as any others,' whereas out of the evil treafureof the heart, <;annot but comeevil things. Some again, and thofe · godly, have been in fuch temptationf, as not to fpeak or conferrc of any good thing before others, lefl: they lhould be' judged hypocrites : The devil bath for a while fedu· ced forne tender weak Chrifiians, that they are unwilling · to pray, ·to come to a-ny Ordinances for fear of by-pocri.. lie : But refill this temptation by fa_itb, and never omit any duty for whatfoever Satan lhall fuggefi: to them. . . Vfe of Exhortation, To make an happy ·agreement be– tween your riarnes and you-r li~es; your name is Chrillian, Jet your life be fo; your tit!~ is a Beleever, let you~ ~Clions be fuU of this faith: Who would·'not be -inraged, if aEy fuo111ld fay thou art no Chriilian, no Bele~ver t and yet diy prophane life manife(h it to all the ;world? As 'Paul doth allude to Onejimus Lis narnt, who before had wronged his maller, but upon his repentance P~ul defires P_hiltmen to receive him ag•in, affuring him, now he will be avl)ovp.O~ indeed profiu.ble to him, his naroe and achons will agree: Thus do thou, Lord if my fottnet He.athenifh and Paganifh life may be forgiven, I will now be a Bcleever indeed, a Saint indeed : Its your prophaneffi~ that gives men Qccafion · to difputewhether onr particular Churches be Churches in– deed: What, fay they~ can fuch be Saints, who are a run• _ --- - · kards;. I I I. Vfe~-