- J~{; Of Hypsc,i(le itf Religion; ('pinions then as there are mull nee~s put men upon known and damnable hypocrifies, and that both towards God and tow~r~s men: Were not the devil thefather of lres reigning in m~ns hearts, we would think it impoffible that ever any .men thouId be ,delivered up to fuch deteil'!ble affections: But where any fuch deadly herbs as thefe lhall reign in any mans heart, it mu(l ~eeds put am-an uponall groffe hypo.cri– fie : How is it fuch men do nGt tremble at the fevere judge.. ment infHCled upon Anttni~U and Sttphir~C for lying in fuch by. pocri6e unto the holy Ghoft ? ' i . Secondly, There is another dod:rinal opinion called th~ :Equivo~ation. doet~ine ~f the Nicodemite~, Who thi~k..i~ la-wfuO [r1r. to.c?m·. · mumcate tn lfnlawfua 'Worfhsp, and to JoJn 1n many [uptrj/lnom u[ttges, if fo !Je they k.!ep their judgement! right, thlft fuch things do not ttt all avail ;u, tw m11k/ m the more llcetptaf,/, t4 God. Thefe were called Nicodemites~ becaufe as he came to Chrift by night fos fear of the Jews; fo thefe out of meer f~ar to lofe their outward efhtes, conform to fuch unlawful waies, which their own hearts condemned. As Sentc~J faid _of his own prac.9:ice in the Romanworlhip, he did thofe reli· · gious things, Non tanquam Diu gratA , fed~ legi!Jm juflle, meerly to obey the Laws of the Land, not that he thought thofe things were acceptable to God : It appeareth by fom~ Trad'atcs or Epifiles of Calvin, that many were of fuch a minde, who thought they might continue in Popery, and frequent the Popilh worlhip, fo that they ktpt a true faith only in Chrift for juftifica~ion, and did look upon 'all thofe .ceremonious waics, as mcer unprofitable trafh : Many (I fay) out of an inordinate love to their worldly dlates,wroce to Cahii11 about this Cafe of Confcicnce, b.ut be faid, they asked tounft!l of him, even as Bll.ltMm conful.ted with Go4, a$ if he would fain have known wh.ether Go.d would have , curfed lfrael or no, wh~n his heart was let w,hQl.ly to do it, whatfoever God faid, though he WU, ou~wardly reflrained, But fucb doc.9:rins t~ach hypocrifie:we read of~hofe[even thou.. [and inEliahs time, that had.»ot bowed tbtir k.:nee to Baal, they would not outwardly·dilfembleany wodhi.p, no.t by the kRec or mouth to kiffl! tht Im:~ge' ; and, the three won.hies would ' not