ofHypccri.fie ;, Religion. not outwardly wotfhip the golden Image, though it was to fave their liyes. When Julian the Emperour caufed his own Image tG be put upon the ldols, that whiJe the Chrifiians did give external obtifance to that as a civil expreffion of hi>sour, they might thereby be thought to worlhip the Idol, they generally refufed it, becaufe t:u With the heart .11 manhe· lieveth, fo"With themouth conft/fion muft ~e made tofalv~ttion, _ Rom.IO· . Thirdly. A third doctrine which teachetb profeffed hypo· crilie, is, That 'JefuieicalequivocatitJn and mental refervation~ ~hichhJ the ?efuites .(though oppofed by fome· other Papifb) u maintained tU a lawful/, Jell Maprudmt defence. It is ncedlelfe to trouble you with their Affertions in this matter, and. they do not only affirm this lawfull in humane and civil promifes, butalfo in facred and inviol.able oaths; certainly thofe Difciples who are committed to fuch DoCl:or~ cannot beChrifts lheep, but theDevils Foxes. The De.,-il is compared · to a Dragon, and all his infirumencs to a ferpentine and viperous breed, not only for their poifonous cruelty, but alfo their crafty fubtilcy. The Devil firQ ufea equivocation& to . Ew, telling her lhe fhould be like ,G·.>d, knowing~ good and evil, which was true, but in a farre other fenfe, then fhc inteoded. Let not then thofe DoCl:ors who teach this, hold themfelves of the Society of Jefus, who faid he was truth it · felf, and inWhofr: mouth there i.s m guile. Thus the Phati{ces they alfo were fubtil in doctrinal opinions, about breaking -· of oarhs,for which Chritl doth upreffely reprove them.Such DoClrines as thcfe cannot but make men of vulpine d!fpofiti- - ons, andmoft artificial maficrs in ;all kinde of jugling hypo- - crifies. I come in the next place to fuch doClrinaJ opinions, as may · · make a man aclofe and latent hypocrite in refpc:Ct even of his ·· own feeling, infomuch that there are many tenets and pofi· tions, beyond which if a man in his pra~ical Religion do not : go, be can never furpalfean hypocrite. As I. That cDrrHpt dfltliineU?hich deniethoriginal fin, and'fuch 1The denial· of. 11n univerl~Jlp6ltution of the whg/e man~ as the Scripture teach- original fin~ eth, muft-needs make a man a meet outfide Chrifiian; .That man -.