Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

of lJypocrifie in Jeligi,;i; ·3a·9 without tile flelh, thism;m cannot go beyond hypocrifie in any religious duty. In Popery, though thev hold Gmis Law commands the heart as well as the hand, Yet all tho(e in.. {urrcElions and rehelli8m thoughts \Vhir;h are ~tgainft Gods 'Wit!, if not confen.tedto, fhey fay 1Jrf! no fins, whereas P~tul, Rom.7. doth feveral times in that t:hapter call them truly and pro- 'P-erly finnes. Certainly fuch dotl:rines as thefe make men but half Chriftians, they bring down the exact: and fpiritual ob. ligacion of the Law eoavery low degree. Thus godlineife' is not fo choice and excellent a fram·e ofhearr,as the Scripwrc · reprefents it. In vain-by this opinion did p,_a/ cry out of himfelf .as miferahle. for thofe lufts and motions of finnes, to which he yet gave no confent, but earnefl1y withftood them~ Take heed then of fudi a danger0us principle as this, ta think thou hail done thy duty, the Law is obeyed, when · tho9 haft performed the outward duties of them, thou fan– Bifieft the Sabbath in all the outward exercifes;Thou honour- . _eft tby parents ; Thou abllainetl: from all grotfc ftas forbid– den, and thereupon faieft with the young man, I have done ~t!lthefe, Mat. I9· 20. and wl1at want is? even many things are w-anting to thee; not only the river or ftream, but th: fountain is eo be cleanfed ; Thou art "but a plinted Sepul· · chre all the while, fuch rotten, noifome lulls are within thee. It were impoffible men could abide themfelves, and have fo good an opinion of their waies, if they did look into the pure aAd perfetl: glatfe of the Law, they would then with Paul,cry out, the Law is fpiritua1, but I am carnal;This plea– feth me,but doth it fatisfie the Law,is it as holy and as perfed as the Law requireth ? Thirdly, Thu DorlrineWill mt!tkJ a man go nB farther then The dotl:dne· an,hypocrite, that maintnimth ~tndadvanctth fee-will, for this of free- will~ puts nature in the:room of /an&ifying grace. This is a woodden member infl:ead of a lively one ; this puts water in fiead of wine : All that men do in Religion, though never fo glorious, yet by the power of Nature fin/y, mak.§s but an humanc faith, 11111 hum1n.e repentance, an humane ahftinencefrom /inne; Whereas we fee our S~wiour preffir:1g to Nicodemm a dochine be underfiood not, tolm 3· Tho:tt a man muft be brJrn agai11. U u There ' #