Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

330 ofHJpoirifie i11 Religion~ There·mnnbe a fupernatural being, and .fr-om thence are tO· flow fupcrnatural operation$. · So that the doCtrine of frte– will dotltnot only dC!firoy the graceof God without os, but the inhe·rent: grace withln:\1$' whereas U1e are in Chrjft to he~~r 'fruit, and t9 'Walk._and li.ve in the Spirit of God, John 1 5.Rom'• s: GaJ-3- By this we come in our firength,_ and go/ out in, our own name: Now as the Painter tannot make a natural apple o·q~lnm, ' butth.ereprefenra.tion onely, fo neither can the llrength of man.inable man ,to do thofe things which are _indee~ holy and heavenly, only the outward appearance of , it. He therefore t.hat would be carried beyond hypocrifie, · mull: acknowledgea necefficy of regeneration, that a man mufl be made anew, that he mull: be ingrajfed 'into the Olive tree, .and when this perfon is thus changed, then his dutie~. will be of amore noble and lively nature, and truly the want 1 of this keep~th thoufands in aconfiant way of infincericy a·nd~ · hypocrifie. They attend not to that neceffary ~nd;noble work of regeneration; they dare not but pray, hear,faft,&,c. yet they Aever confider whether thefe come from a fanchfied, aAd· rrnew~d nature within or no. Do not then magnifie Li~ berum arbitrium, brit lihert~tmn, thlt which is made free by Chrift, thatwhich iS'fetatlibertyfrum thofe fnares of lulls , it was intang1ed in, Yea 'Which Was deo~il, hut unow made alive; 1 • acc<?unt nothing reUgioufly done, which arifcth not from ' . fuch a fpring within ·; unleffe thou art made a ,gofJd 'tree, ;hy: fru_it can never 6egoad.-- It may ~e all thy Religion hicberco , , , bath been without fuch a bottom, a-nd then thou art to begin a new foundation. · The doctrine Fourthly, That doClrir.e will k_tep tt man in hypocrijie, 'Whicp of merits. ·maintaineth meritoriom and {atujaClery compenfations to Gad. He will never be humble, and attend to fpirirual mortifica– tion of fi.nne, cfpeci.ally he will never-advance tile way 'of Chrilt and faith in him,that thus confideth in his own doings, . · and fufferiogs~ This hypocrific you heard was levcn, that. doth greatly putf ·up wi~h fc lf-righteoufne!fe, and f~Jf.ful· neffe; now to hold meritorious and fatisfatl:ory works, this . _ makes the fwellmg bigger, this takes off from Chrifl, and· fetteth amanmore inhimfelf,. A a. 15. The: heart is fa id eo be BUrifi~d,