. 0 f Hypecri(it in Religi1n·. _. · 33t purified by faith, then pride and [elf-confidence do debafe · and make it impur", ,you fee all thofe dotl:rines thilt mingle orjoyn any·thing to Chrifi are abominated by the: Apofile, and this about merit and fatisfatlion, notwithfbndtng all their fubtill difiind:ions doth divide between man and Chrift, be is his own Saviour in part: Now Chrifi will not admit of a coparcncr in the work of Redemption : There cannot be two Sunnes in the fir r.nament; whatfoever is not- of Chrift, and ioCbr.ifi cannot be actepced with God, neither a re fud~ gcnuiae duties; Therefore fuch proud opinions as make us • to give fome recompence to God, muft needs be chaffe in lktd , of whe&t, and drolfe in ftead of gold. Thus alfo whenmen live in grofJe and foul finnes, and yet ~higk pra.ying or recei– ving the Sacrament, though there be no real Reformation_of the life is enough, this makes aman fcrfifi in hypocrifie;how often were the Jews charge<! for this unfaitbfull dealing? They would bring many Sacrifices, they kept the folem;11fafts and Sabbaths, but yet they would not watb them, 9r make them clean, and this difcovered their hypocrifie. This is; great though ordinary_hyp~crilie,to retl upon duties, u ma– king amends for our wtckedneife, though there be no reformation of life. ' Fifthly, To prejfe an !Xtraorain~try . non·inflituted Wt?.J ,M a Non·ialliru– fPtcia/ matter of Religion, u very notori9m to m"!fe.! a man an red wayes in . hypocrite. The Pharifees commanded feveral aclSof wodhi_p, Religion._ which God ncverc(:)mmandcd, and by the daily exercife of . thefe, how were they puffed up? And indeed this was a , great part_of the Pbarifees leven,they had confiant wafhing!, they had many kinde of worfhips wherein they rra :ned their Difciples, a'nd for thefe extraordinary things which others did nor, they looked upon themfelves as the only religious men, 1 Tim.4 2• The Apofile dorh there (peak excellently to this purpofc-, for mentioning·fbme falfe teachers, he fairh, T hey umght lies in hypocrift~, and why hypocrifie? Becaufe thole commands they urgei:l, not eo marry, not to eat of fuch meats, feeined to have.extnordinary fanR:ity in them,where– as indeed they did only puffe .up· wich pride and infincericy, and of this we have palpable intbnc:es' in Popery, All cheic ' U u 2i ·· fevcrd