of Hypocrifie in Religion~ feveral Monafleries and Orders, and all thofe firitl Rcie3 they live by in thei~ Orders, are but to make men hypocrites in Religion, ,its to attend upon outward Formaliti es~ and to neglect (rue mortification in the inward man. They bufie themfelves in not eating, not drinking, not touching, not wearing, whereas even in thofc differences of meat God had appointed the power of grace did not confifi, much Ielfct in· thefe vain inventions of men. · · · 5ixthly, Ever). doEirine that{tts 11p an] thi7Jg hefide the Scri.. pture, tU the ~·ule offaith and Vvor/hip, muft needs mak.t a man- #111 hypocrite; for the word of God, that only_ is able r:o.m~tk! Wife tofalv~tion, 1 Tim.3. The tefiimonies of the -Lord are upright, and they teach uprightnelfe, whofoever walketh not by this rule, they cannot have any true peace on them, Gal. 6.16. Now there are many nlles fer up by men in fiead of - thcfe, all which work not truth at the heart ; Cufi:ome and education they onely reach the outward man; and fo the Laws of the Land they do outwardly refirain. If a man fet up rraditions,its out an humane worfhip, a fear and reverence taught by the doCl:rines of men, which God abhorreth; and fo pretended revel_ations and raptures of the foul, thofe leade men into hypocrifie, while they glory and boaft in thefe things, and follow them; they forfake the Scrip_r ure which is only the true g,uide. . . . Vfe of ExiJcrtation. If thou wouldfi gobeyond hypocri– fie in Religion, look to found dochi'naJ principles; You do not regard the Emperick that healeth the fore, ·but the_Phy– fician that will remove the inward caufes. Its not eneugh to be taught that thou mull abftain from groffe impieties, but thou .art to remove the caufe, togo to the inward cure,found principles about godlinelfe and religion are a fpecial means to make a true fanchfied man, ,there may be fuch preaching, and ·thou mayefl reade fuch books as will never make thee go far– a:·her then a reprobate may do; fo that-you are in tbe. fir{} place to confider,What principleHm I trained up in? How. have I been infiructed, are they fuch as dired me to the life and power of godlineffe ? May I not go in a meer road, and: fpeak like a ~arr9t in ~eligion, thing~; ~ underfiand no7 anu