334. Of liyp8crifie i.n Religion. ·pent, when we do nothing lelfe; fo that it~ fa id the WO'rd comes of "~vs~~, to cerepare {aSO'tl:f'XeJI'Hv) and ~'is a di. minutive panicle, as if hypoc-rifie were nothing but a faint and empty comparifon to another thing. The hypocrites hope is as it were·no hope. The hypocrices praier is a faint likenetfe of a prayer, but not a praier indeed; and the He- ) brew word rpn ufed 'lob 8. a,nd in 'rnany other places, whrch fignifieth an hypocrite, comes of a root that fignifiec-h eo die a thing with an9ther colour then is natural, or to paint a thing over that th~ true colour may not appear, This is by.. pocrifie. Its a painting, its a dying of the whole man with another colour then what is proper and genuine. Thus you fee the nature of hypocrifie liech in a fimulation .and coun– terfeiting in matters of Religion~ fuch outward holine1fe which inwardly is not in the heart ; and this you heard is · either latent and fe'ret, not known to htm that is fo, fuch as Pa11l, who thought he was bound to do what bt diC:l againft Chrift; or elfe ~roffc , affected and' convinced, fuch as ·the Pha~ifees generally were, fuch an hypocrite is caHcd /ob36. I 3• An hypocrite in heart , tranOated by fome a mocker, a meer deluder, his own heart knowech he makes bot a lhew and apretence to the duties of R.-Jigion, his imyard, hearty love and affection is not eo it. Now becaufe this was che Pharifccs hypocrifie, therefore; I ilia!I firfi treat of this groffe, convinced hypocrifie: ·only obferyc, . ' Obfer:v. That hypotrijie of all fort.r, is in the firft and chiefeft-pl-ace to . be avoidedby all in"matterHf Religion. Fi [fi .of all, 13tWI/.re. of t.hu, {aid our Saviour eo his Difdples. Th . I flull begin with Phatifaical or induftriom and ajfetlezl hy~ epropertli!S ;t; d • dl h' lA 11 I h p . of hypocrilie pocrt 1 ze ; an to nan et ts, ma ay open t c ropert1es in reliaion. _ of it, and then the Aggravations of it. Now· we U~ay finde 1 t) / out the Pr<!perties by obfer•·ing the Phari,fees'lo_r they are ·thc I. · inftance our Saviour mentioncth fo often. As Tbe.groife hyFirft, A groj{t hypocritema1 be careful/to loo/z.to outward du.;. P~Titaydbe ties of Religion, which arc fcen and tak!nnotice of by the world, ~haere "' tod· 0 bm neverr ttttendS' to hu heart,.lookJ not to k!ep that p11re and clean • ourwar . . duties inreli 411 towardS' G'ed. Thus Matth.z3.2$ ,26,27,z8.our Sav·wur doth gien. admirably fpeak of this eo the Pharifees, They made c/e;~w the · outjide