33~ . ?f'11ypacrifoe in Religion·; ~1\ things :n!t':1H'v~ to be g1zedand looked upon · Ambitiofce:. .nam dcjidcrat' they worild not have done fuch ;hings private– ly. As when Diog..enes the Cynick iii an open place fiood na– ked, and imbr~acing aa heap of fuow in the cold, one asked him, if he wou\d do fo~ ·and no body fuould fee him : But }low contrary is t' liSto our S:wiours dire·etion, who doth or– ·dcr all private religiot.is dudes to be fo' fecretly performed, that the very left hand flull not know wh11t the nght doth ? Search then into your felves, if you hav.e Family-duties, if you perform any llu~able thing., Are you not quiet tiH this be known ?'Would you have it come to the ears of fuch that you refpecl:', ~?Jhat you do in private in your fami– lies ? Is not this hypocrifie? thou doeft it l'lOt out of love to God. · 3• Th.irdly, ·Grojfe h;pocrifie u a conflant and bol4 approachitzg He will cont() God in holj duties, yet we love and live i~ our Jinnes, which ftamly &bold- are fo hated by God. This is notorious· hy.pocrifie ~ to hear . ~~~:;'~~~ ' 0 ro pray, to come to Church, as if yo<> W:"" ~ods people: duties, and ~et and defired to ferve htm, when thou hveft. m thy beaftly and Hve,in a:ny fin.prophane courfes, that curfing and fwearmg tongue all the. . - ' week long comes to praife or pray unto God on the Sabbath : Oh wretched hypocrifie! Th~t bo~y· of thine polluted with uncleanneffe and drunkenncffe in the week-clayes, is on the Sabbath-day brought to wodhip God. Oh thou bold .h,ypo– crite ! Is there no fear of God before thy eyes, that thou dareflthus to mock God to his face, though he is not mock– ed? Therefore thou who art fo apt to judge fuch for hypo- ' crites, who walk in a more ftriCl: and felf~denying way then thou doeil; look up:m thy own wa·ies. and thou wilt finde no hypocriue~ike to thine. If you {hould eo~ into a mans prefence conftamly , and profelfe love~ and re~eel to him, and then in his abfence doall the acrs of hatred arid malice again!I: him. Would not all the world call thee hypocrite? A~d is not this hypocrifie towards God as palpable? Thou prai efi~ thou hearefi, thou profeffeft an outward refpeCl: to God, but all thy life is proclaimed hoflility and cnrriity againft him. As Solomon cals every wicked mad a fool; fo in the Bookof [ob, every angodly mtn is calle.d an Hyporrite: · . No