Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

of Hypscrifie in Religion.' No fuch hypocrite5 as notori0us wicked men, for they will eall upon God, and outwardly fcek to him, but in their lives 337 deny him. . . Fourthly, Notoriom hyp<Jcrijie u feen ahfJut afcrupu!out ten• 4• derne.f{e in things of lejfe confequence, but in the mattersofgrett- He i~ Ccru~uter moment there they are carele({e. Not but that the true up- lous m lefier right man is confcientieus of leffe duties as well as gre:rt, and mat1 te~~' b?c . . .. d care eue lR he avotdeth ltttle finnes as well as great, but yet he oth greater, not with the hypocrite fo attend to lelfer things, which are eafie to be done, that he negleel:s the greater; our S!viour - indeed faith true, He that is not faithful in little,will neither be, if more be committed to him; and he that is not godly in thofe things the world judgerh minute and petty matters; .aeither will he be godly in greater duties, but yet it doth not follow on the ot.her fide, that every one who is diligent in lefferthings, is alfo for greater. The Pharifees were care• ful! to tithe cummin, Mat.23·2J. and ·Other feeds; now our Saviour eels them, the{e things thi) foou/d not leave undone,but:: there were gre~ter things of righteo~tfnejfe and judgement which they omitted. Thus when they were full of cruelty and bloudine1fe in putting Chrifi ro death, yet they were fcrupulous about entri.ng into the Judgement hall, John 18. letl: they fhonld be thereby unclean, amd fo unfit for the Paffeo– l'er: Oh notorious bypocrifie! they are fcrupulous about this, and not about lhcdding innocent blond : Thus how zealous have fome been about aCeremony, or fuch puncHllio's, that Chrift never required, yet.are bold to .commit all the grolfe and known finnes that Gods Law doth plainly forbid ? Its hypocrifie to fiick at ceremonial Sacrifices, and neglect moral duties; ifthe Pharifee had not wdhed his hands before meat, he would have thought himfelf unclean, but when he oppofed and perfecuced Chrifr, who reproved them for their vain-glory and hypocrifie, that never ftfeCted them: yet do not abufe this particular, as fome of the world do, who if they fee am~n precife and firiCl: in ft:tch things,F~S mofl: o~ tb~ wo~ld.rurme tnto, they fay, it is his hypocrifie, it .is bts pnde, tc ts to feern more holy then others . if he will not fwear his petty oaths, if he will not confor~ himfelf unto X x the .,·