Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

338 of Hyrocrijie in ReligJon. the fafllion of the world , then is he charged for an hypO: cri re: you will not do thefe things, but you will do worfe • butt his isthe foul flan~er of malicious men, no godly ma~ dares commit a little finne or a great, he that dare not fwear will not lie ; he that dareth not prophane the Sabbath da.– reth not be unchafie or unclean: . No, fincerity is of equal antipathy againft all wickednelfe; Therefore you muLl: know that there is a Scripture..ftriEtne.fe) and a fuperflitiom flri[l– neJJe;. afuperftitious ftricbieffe is, when a man placech reli– gion in the obferving or ROt obferving of fuch things, as are n.ot material. Thus Ram. I. fome of the primitive Cbrifiians made a great matter of not eating, others of eating : Now, faith the Apoflle,The kjngdome ofheaven u not meat and drink, but righteoufnejfe, andjoy~ and pe~~ce in the holy Ghdf, Rom.14. 17. Strictneffe in fuch things the ScripturF dot'h not require an affected piety about onfcriptural·commands,is an ape,not~ man; its a ridiculous imitation ofgodlindfe, not godlineffe it felf: but ttlen ~here is a Scripture-H:rictndfe, which lieth in felf-denial, in loving of Chrifi above all things, in mortify.. ing our affed:ions, in non-conformity to the fathion of the world. This firictneffeand preciftncffe is n~:cdfary ; No Ca– mel can enter tht eye of tkis needle, that is not willing the bunch of his back iliould be made level. And it is this Scri– pture. firictneffe which prophane men judge hypocrif.ie, be– caufe there are fome that fear God, and look toit~e falvati– on of their fouls, aHd will not rupne into th~~e excdfe of riot with them., therefore th(y judge it their proud fingu· larity, whenas God knoweth the integrity of their heart,and it is becaufe the Scripture commands them, that they dare do no otherwife. ~· Fifthly, Grojfe hypocrijic i&for tho[e things that ,zre eajie,thllt He w~.ll be f<3r Are ofeft.eem and applaufe in the 'W6rld, but then for fuch things ea_f: 1 Y 1 thlngs,bdut .u are difficult Pbjle./h 11nd bloud, or are afcompanied 'With hatred Wl not me - r h · d 1 ' · h h T J die with what and ;corn, t t] '~Nil not me ale 'W1t t em. he ews were very is aaainll iidh boumifull in their Sacrtfices and outward wodhip, but then ~nlbloud. for to mottifie fin, or to crucifie any lull, that they could not come off to. Alas, to pra~, to hear, to come to Church, aod to do duties as mo!l do them, is fo eafie a thing, that if · · - · this