ofllypocrifie in ReligioN. 339 this w~re the way to heaven and no more; that Scripture could not,be crue, Streight u the 'W~J that leadeth to heaven, and few enter therein, Macq. I f. Is it not eJfier to hear a hun· dred Sermons then to leave fuch fwearing, or drunkennelfe a man bath been accuftomed unto? Oucward duties in the meer extcmal performance are very eafie, ,if that were all nothing would be foeafic as heaven, whereas the Scripture maketh Aothing more difficult. The lfrtielitcs entring into Canlllan upon fuch difficult termcs, infomuch that bunwo or afew got into Can,11n ef thofe m:.my that came out of <V£~ gypt, doth typifie che fmall number of thofe chat do indeed obtain heaven, in the mid ft of all their performances. Oh then know, to do things fpiritually, isco climb up the mountain, to fwim ~gainfl the fiream; Through groans and agonies thou muft get to heaven; that which thou 't)ffcrefl to ' God mufi come from a broken contrite heart within, but hypocrifie is only for an eafie, formal, cutl:omary way. Again, in Religion fome things arc accuRomed with applaufe and efieem ; other things with hatred and fcern : Now the hyponice ·isonly for tbeformerwork, as Simon c..M"agm,wbo is called a Childe ofthe devil, and full of deceit. bccaufe they wer~ wonderfull gifts of the holy Gbofi, AEl. s. 1 9· which were of p:reat efieem and wonder in the world, therefore he defired them, he had not left ,his old pride, to be accounted fome great one; but the upright man obeyeth Gods will,btcaufe it i» hi~ will, whether it be plauhble or conremptible, that he attends not, but only this is Gods command, and its my duty to do it. As Mathematicians in their Science, they abfl:rad fromthe matter; They confider onely the quantity and the ·dimenfions of fucb a body, but whether it be of gold, or filver, or wood, theymatter it not: Thus the godly and fincere man, he only atrend~ to the command of God, but whether the! matter be gold, or wood, be honour or reproach, that he regardeth not, Thus Mofes rho[e the re– pro~tches of Chrift ahove the plet~fures of v.fgypt, Heb. 1 I. The Prophets, Wh at hard· and contemptible fervice did they undertake, onely bec:mfe it was· Gods will? Oh theA confider tby felf ! How art thou for the fuffering and reX X 2 proachfull r