Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

340 ofHypeui.fie in :Rtligi6n~ proachfull things of ChriO: , as weli as the glorious and · admired·? · · · . 6. Sixthly, That iJ n.otrwiom hypoerife; 'Whtn men do on purpe}'e ~hen men pretend fome ~fl_s ofpzet), to.acc.omplifo f6me ,gro{fe acts of \Vie-: w~l dof· ~ome ~dnejfe. Tlm ts an bypocme m the h1ghefl: place; the Phaa~~s o ptety to . r. f h d' 1 G d d a... 1 accompliih -· ~11ecs were o tent us, preten mg ove to o an u1s gory~ fome iach ~f the hoaour of A6rahamand all tile holy Prophets which were wick;dneJ.fc. :• before, while th.ey were aCling the greareO: wickedneffe to innocent men. Thus 'fe.J<.abd proclaimed a fail when lhe took . away Naborhs life. Thus Eerod pretended to worlhip Chrifr, when his defirc wa.s to kill him: And juda&, what charity did be pretend to the poor, when he grudged at the box of oint– ment poured on our Saviour? Thu he faid net tha.t he cared for the poor, becaufe he 'WM a thief, faid the Text, John u.6. Thus thefc hypo'Critital Pharifees appointed others ta be like them- . felves, Luk§2..0.io. They fent forth fpies that lhould feign themfclves jul1 men, that they might take bold of his words; fo that this is an high degree of hypocrifie, when men do in– dufirioufly pretend to fome piety and religion; thereby to perform iniquity. Davi/:1. lhewed coo much of this four Ie– ven iAVriahs cafe, Oh faith he, The battel fals alikg to all; bemorecarefullfortbefucure, 2 Sam, 11.25. when yet he had ordered his death. 7• Sevemthly and lafily, Grojfe hypocrifie doth alwaie.r difcover ln times of. it[elf in times ·of trial and dangers. While its calm and fair ~~~ger... ~e w 1 1 !l weather, it will put to fea, but let the fiorms arife, and temullert .wlS re 111. bl h . h b k h {h . . oion. _ pens ow, t en 1t runnet ac tot c ore ag:tm. In times <:)_ of the Churches profperity there havc been the greatefi hypo– crites; even fnakes will come out of their holes while the Sunne fuineth. The Samaritans would be Jews when it was well with th·e Jews, Matth.q. The temporary believer went on hopefully till the Sunne·did.arife and fcorch him; Will the hypocrite pray a/way? fa id !ob, Job 27. 10. and is therefore compared to the Bulrulh, as long as there is wet, miery nou– rifhmenr, fo long it will grow. Thefe Swallows willlhy .all tbe Summer. Hence adverfities in afflictions are called tem- ' ptatiom, becaufe chefe will difcover and manifefi; what the root of a .man is; and again on the other fide, in times of · fore I