ofHypocrifle in Rtligion~ fore judgements, and vnder grievous calamities~ the hypo; trite will confdfe and complain of his fil'lne~, but Jet the rod be off his back,_he will entertain his old Da/i/t~hsagain.Thus Pharaoh, thus Ahah, yea thus all the people of 1/ratl, did lie to God, as the Scripture exprdlion is of many of Chrifis rnemies fubdued by him: Do not then belreve thy heart for what it fai th and coNfeffeth in fame extremity. This -hard hard fione hath only fome dew upon ir, b(Caufe of a change approachin~; This rock would never give warer, but that it ~ firic k(n with a rod. Thus profperity ~nd adverfity are two greacdifcoveries of mens hypocrifie, whr.rher he be truely built on.the rock Chrifi, \t!ho uthe fame yefterday and fer ever; like the Salamander fuch an one can live in the fire, like the Adamant he cannot be melted, but fiands like aUrong.moun~ · tain, whatfoever windes do bl o w~ Vfe r. Of Admonition and Caution. Take heed of that prophane fpirit, which fome are delivered up unto, to think that all thofe who walk more flridly, and do more power~ i fuHy profdfe the love of Chrifi then they do, that ~hey do · 1 it of hypocrifie, out 9f vain glory-. This is to condemn the generation of the righteous. Chrift and his Apofiles they Jived fingularly to theworld, they conformed not to ir, and all the godly mufl: be in the world like fiarres in a dark nighr, they are to have no commupion with t-he works of darkneife. Now the world gnalheth their teeth at this, and will take upon them Gods Tribunal, to j1.1dge of them, hypocrites : No thou art the groffcr hypocrite , there is a beam in thy own eye, pull that out firfi: Doe!l not thou come, and hear, and fit as if thou didfl: belong to Gods people, yet what mean thefe crying finnes thou cornmirttfi, that cry louder then tl1y praiers? Pray tp day, and curfe and fwearco mor– row, lift up thy head to day, and look to the ground with· it to morrow with drunkenndfe ? Who cannot but · take notice of thy hypocrifie? And as for thofe that walk fincere· ly, they matter not thy judgement, they eye God, and look up to him , their heavenly Father feeth alJ their inte– grity which is in fecret, and will one day Qwne, them OI>;eniY:• - . p.[e.