of Hypocrijie inRelig;on. 34J' in~hom 14 nothing hut guile. The children of God are (aid to beupright , perfef! , true, inNocent, unMameable, Jimple ~tnd plai.'1. They arc fatd to follow God""'ith theirfull and-whole heart-. Thefe are glorious properties, and for thefe thjngs the godly are fo full of worth, becaufe they are true jewels, they are no counterfeits, they have more fubfiance and worth within them ther:t without, as the deep W-llters make leffe noife: but the hypocrite is a fl:raw, nothing' but an empty rufh, a meer lhadow, an image of rotteR dull and mouldy, with a littlegilt over ir. So that nothing doth fo direB:ly and immediatly oppofe godlinelfe,as hypotrifie, for that leads to down- right honefl:y and plainndfe,that makes a man have a fingle heart, a finglc eye,ht is one and the fame inwardly and outwardly;b!lt hypocrifie that makes aman have diYers hearts, anheart and an heart,as the Scripture cats ir,that filfeth with crooked,fubtil waies; The people of God are as fheep and doves, the · ·hypecrites areloxes and ferpents ~ Oh then know thy hypo– crifie puts thee in a direCt Antipathy to all gedlinelfe, hell. and heaven, bl~ck and white may be as foon agreed as thefe two; 1De great titles that are given to Job are, he was aper• feEl andupright man, Job 1.1. by thi• he was not only oppo– fed to prophane, wicked men, but even to fuch who feemed to draw nigh to Ged, but wanted a faithfull principle with– in. CoNclude then, that r:tothing is done holily, or god lily by thee, which is not done in truth and uprightneffe; what– foever cometh not from this root, is hemlock or wormwood,. is poifori to thy foul, and bitternelfe to God. ~ · Secondly, The pjtnifhment gf hypocrijie, is rme of the greatz. eft punifoments, when tbe Scripture would expreffe an high Th~hypocrit~* degree of torment, it faith, fuch foall have their portionwith ph_umihme~t 15 · h h , M h h d r. k b c . h p t egreaten pu-. t e ypocr~tes, . at.14.51. .e a •PO en eaore m t e ara- nifumem. - ble of fuch fervants, that pretended to do the Lords work, but indeed were guilty of pride and cruelty, therefore he faith, They foall have the portion of hypocrites hereafter, he £hall cut them afunder, J'i~TI!f!/rlt1H, fome fay, but it feemeth to be too fubtil, that as the hypocrite divided between God and the world, between God and his ]ufis, fo now here, he bath ananfwerablepunifilment,God will divide him afandcr: · · Howfoev.er