Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

344 Of Hypocrifie in Religion. Howfoever you fee the hypocrites portion in hell, is made of the highefl:degree, if thou walkefi in the.waies of .hypocrifie expect the terrible and acctufed fruit of it, even to have Weeping andgna/hing of teeth. Job 36. I 3. the hypocrite is f:~id to heap up Wr14th, and he (ha l be found among the unclean, or Sodomitcr. He may ex:petl: fome terrible judgement to finde him out, as they hag. Tremble at that time coming, when God will be no longer mocked, when thy difguifes iliall be pulled off, and all that treafure of wrath laid up for thee ·flull be poured on thy head; ofall men living thoa art in a moll: accurfed condition, though thou bleffefi: thy·felf in hjr-; _, pocrifie, and makefi li~s thy refuge'. . 3• Thirdly, The umporal hope of the hypocrite Which Mhu o11e!y H1~~ope ihill (upport, andfor Which he tranfgref{eth Godscommands, thi!lt /hall pen · perijh, either he fiull never catch that morfel he gapeth for, or if he do he fhall not longkeep it in hi& belly. The hypo– crite declineth Gods way, becailfc he feeth fomeearthly and w•rldly advantages in another way, he cannot have God and fulfill fuch tufts as do reign in him. Therefore to obtain his end, he prevaricateth with God: God complaineth of the Jews, that it was for their Wine and oyl they addreffed them– felves to him. The Pharifees were onely for their ambition and covetoufneffe in all their pretended de~otion; their long , prayers were to de{froy widows houfe-s; Every hypocrite is in~ ordinately aff~tl:ed to fome earthly thing or other, and for this he will part with God and his own foul ; but now God either difappoints them, they never get what they defire, as J,ob 8. r 3. its compared to aSpiders-web, that doth with much pain even unbowel her fclf, and when all is done, on a fudden is fwept down with thebefom, or elfe if he have the thing defired, it provethgrave/ in the belly to him, he pierceth him thorow and tborow. Jud,u for a little money plaid the hy· . pocrite, but what good did this to him when he had it? Oh, he thought it a fweet morfel, but no fooner did he enjoy it, but he was filled with horrour, and chroweth away that money to the ,Pharifees again, he dareth noe keep it, he dareth not bold it, I h.tve finned in 6etraying the innocent ~/IJud. This