Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

~. He hath his reward here. ofHyp~crifte in Rtligi'on. pt~inting will hold no longer. Now he is fallen into the hands of a provoked God, God bath met him, God bath feifed on him, and then horrour mull: arife every ' way. · 1/a. 33· 14. Fearfulmffe hath furpri.t,ed the hypocrite, who among m foal/ ln,ell in the devouring fire ? They conceive thcrn{elves in hell prefently; horrour raketh hold on the hypocrite irnmedi~ ately, whereas the true upright man, as lob, ftands like an jmrnoveable rock under all waves: though God feemed to be angry, yet the confciencc of his integrity, that he did not ferve Ggd for cormpt ends, made him refolve to trufl in him, thoughhe foould kjll him. Take heed then of this ferret clefe finne, it will betray thee, when darkndle flull fall upon thee: 9h the guilt ! Oh the fword in tb~ bowels it will be , to thee 1When death or any other affiietion flta1J fall OR . thee; in what defpair did it leave IudM, when he cried our, I have ftnned in betrAying inmcent htoud? Oh the time is coming, when thou c~nft daub, nor dtffemble ·any longer, but God will make thee appear to b~ judged in all thy naugh-' r • Jl'" t . . ttneuc ., Sixthly; Thu u ~ great ~ggravation of this Jinne, that it mak!J a man have his reward here: He did it for applaufe and vain-glory, and fuch he fuall have in judg~menr, God will do no more for them, Matth. 6· 2. our, Saviour fpea~i,(?g .of the hypocrites, Wha didall things to be[ten ofmen, Verily (faith he) they have their rewad, here is a~reat deal of terrour in . this fpeech, that vain-glory and earthly greacneffe they .4o fo breathe for, they have it, and this is all t~ey fltall have; As Abr11hf1m told Dives, He had received the giJod things ff thi& life, Luke 16. I 5. apd that was all he muU have to all _ ~ternity. As a father will give an ungracious childe fome little legally, [hat rhereby he may not make anydaim to the inheritance: Oh then let the ~l ypocrire be afraid, lefi: God let him have his defire ! Thou doefi all th.ings to be feen, and thou flt:.dc be feen and applauded, and tbat is all. As _that unbelieving Lord,he could,{ce the gre~t plenty Ifrael ha.d,but was trod to death that he could not eat of it. Well then .might our Saviour fay, woe be to )OH when all men JPeak_. Welt of )014 i .for this may be all the portion thou !halt have: The r:eward