Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

ofHypocrifte in R~ligi'"~ reward or all thy praying, preach.ing and profeffed Chrifi:ia.: nity)flull not be heaven, or eternal falvation, but the breath_ and empty applaufe of men ; So then you fee, when mens ends are carnal, and religion felfifh, Its a terrible judgement for God eo give us them, You fhall have them for your reward, when others fonhC'ir fincue and holy duties fhaH paffe into eternal glory; You fhall onely have thefe rattles and baby -clothes, the praife and good wor~s of men, and · Ebar hut for a wbile neither; fo here,as the true fincere man doth not begin or end"his duties for the glory of men ; So ndther is he contented with any thing, but the glory that comes from God alone. ' - !47 Seventhly, Grof{e Eypor:rifte u agreat,helliedJin,it hath many 7• other fins Within it. You may call it legion, for its many fins Groiie hypofolded together. As · cri!ie is a great bellied finne. I. There i& aireEl and manifefl Athti[m in hypocrijie; for dare a man carry it outwardly fo, when inwardly be is the Ther!is in it clean contrary, if he did believe there was an all-fceing God? dire cc atheifm. How could thy tongue utter that which is not in thy heart, didll thou think God knoweth and fearcheth the he1rc? So that th is hypocrifie doth directly affront the Omnifcience of God. Men you may mock, you may diffemb!e and play the hypocrites with men, who cannot dive into-your heart~, but to carry it thus to God; Oh ·bold Atheifm ! and therffore God he will deal wit() thee, or anfwer thee according to thy pretences and duties, that wickedne.lfc which is in thy heart, · ·E~ek.14-4- Every man that did (et up Idols in hi& hutrt, and )et Would come to enquire of God, ,Gsd '\Vould an[wer him ac• - carding to the multitude of hu 1do!J, Never then do t~ou think that for fuch duties that it may be have a fhew of extraordinary piety and zeal, that God will the more accept thee: No, • God will anf..yer t~ee, and deal with thee according to the hy– pocriGe of thine he:uc. 2. It argueth aha(e earthlJ ttnd puflltanimom JPirit, for he II. fearctb man more then God, he will do any thing, be any · It argueth 1 thing, turn into all fhapes for his ad.-antage. Therefore A- bafe eanhlr ri.ftotle making magnanimity a vercue,he maketh this prop6rty fpirit! · of a magnanimous perfon~ that he did .all things fincerely, - Y y : candid: /