Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

3'4:8 of Hypocrifle it? Religion. c~ruJ.~dly, withQut diffimulation, as Da~id did abhorre hy..- pocnBe, and fuch as loved the )\?a) of /Jz·ng /honld not dwell in h~houfe: On th~ contrary, pufillanimity,. and bafe low fpi– rtts -are full of d1ffimulauon; and hypocnfie, Bec~ming alt things to all men, not asPaul, to gain /ome, but to fave one. Thus hypocrifie argueth a filly weak bhrt that movetb in all crooked waics, onely for its fdf, not for God or good ends. . , - I I I. 3· Hypocrifzc perverts that due fubordination, Which u belt make.s GGd tween earthly ana heavenly things' between God and the erea– an~ eafnbhly tures ,· For it makes heavenly things ferve for a pretence to. thmgs u o·- - · dinate to God. get earchly ; it u~eth the name and honour of God to obtain \ the creature, as 1f God were for man, and not man for God. The Apofile complaineth of the Heathens Idolatry, who ~hanged God into the image of the vi/eft t~~nd moj} contempti6!e creatures, Rom. 1. But how unworcbjJy doth the hypocrite deal with God? he makes the name and honour of God to lackie it, apd te ferve after his corrupt ends, the noble{} and , higheH: thiDgs to come a.fter the mcanetl: and the lowefi;Thus hy pocrifie confounds all du~ order. · _ 1V. 4· Hypocrijie ufs$/l of "Worldl] andcarnalfears. It.sthe fear of lofing goods, efiates, or lives, t'hat makes men look one way, and row another. The Priefis and Pharifee~ were afraid to lofe all their credit and glory, aH their profit and advanta– ge,s, and therefore they, were fo hypocritical and fubtil againfi Chrifi ;. We fte the~ were carnal fe.ars i~ &Aibraha~ .and I{ttac that made them dlffemble,. efpectally 10 Da~i.d oft– en; fo true is Solomo.n.r.faying, The fear of a man u his fnare, Prov.29·l5·· Fear hath made many hypocrites, many apo. ftates; So that worldly fear pred'ominatipg putteth dut' the • trme holy fear of God, which would alwaJes keep mfn ,in Gods waies. Therefore pray much and firive much againlli , t~is, as one great caufe of hypocrifie. V . 5· Vnbelief i& gr~atly Yvcrki:ng in hypocrijie : For where And has.much faith i_s, that: doth reil: the f~u_l .on Gods promife, it mtkes a unbeliefrcign- man know him to be all -fuffictent, to be only wife, to be full btg)n .i~~ of graceand goodnetfe, th~t he will never leave or forfake,. ' it.rc,Rrefents God as a gracious FJ. thcr,, willing and able CO - ' - - · · ·.- · fun. . ~ \ '