of 1/ypocrijit inQ.eligifJn. 349_. fopply in all neceffities _; now bccaufe the hypocrite livetbby fenf~, and only by outward me~ns, not in th~ power and pr.~- mife of God, therefore are bts paths f<;> crooked, ·and hts waies fo unevtn·, aud if a godly man atcend he {hall finde, that a clofe and powerful faith .in God and his promifes, is the b~ft prefervarive againfi hypocritie, forfa~th bringeth a fulne'tfe and fufficiency wtth it to tbe foul,whercas the hypocrite i,s lwaie~ wanting, and is without lhis and that,which makes him as wolve; and foxes chac are raveni ng creatures to be fo • full of fubtilcy., . Lafily, Where hypocrijie r£it,nfth, there u no JPirit.ual fen{e :VI: or feeling ef God, tU the greateft (!ood. The hypocrite d th And u_":nhoat n?t finde all bappindfe and comf'n_t in God h1rnfelf_; if he ~;:.r;P~r~~d, dtd, he WOl:l)d not leave the foumam, and go to the ctfiern : as the grcatcft· Oh Could tlte hypocrite fay with David, whom have I in hea· good. ven but thee, and in earth bejide thee; As the Hart panttth after the 'Water-s,fo hisfoul breathcth after God, Could the hypocrjce do this,all his difguife would prefeotly fall off: But be· caufe l1e knoweth not of a better good then a creature, becaufe he never did eat of this honey-comb, therefore will he be all things, _and do all things, to have that his heart is fet upon. ·· . EighthlyJ or the moft pt~rt,GodWill in time deteEl the hypocrite 8.' 'before he d£eth, b)jiJJfering huJfnnes to CG"IlJe out~ fo t ha! he foall For the m<:Ll be ahhorudby ,alll _and, be tU oaiom as a noifomerarcafe. Some pan. God w1l~ temptations or other there are, which will make th~m known :~ethaJe d~tc · ,to the whole world, and fo the verfe foJlowing the Text, bcfor~P~~4~: •. doth not only relate to the end of the world at the da'y of Judgement, but even to this life,. There is nothing covered, but' it fo.1ll be preached on the houfe tvps. The hypocrite that )ivcth in fecrec !]ones, while pretendmg to God,will have all his iniquity by one way or other difcovered. Thus 'judas, be , could not alwaies be l:lndifcovered, nor ·Hymtmm and Phi– letm ; 'But likeGregerY N az.ian:Gens Ape be fpeaks of, though difguifed like a little man, yet when Apples and Nuts were thrown about, the counterfeit prefently manifdlt:d himfelf ,tG be an Ape; Tho~ that ~Jcccut;tcd gain godiincjfe, when _ gaincame to tempt thtm> would then difcover their godli- "J- y3 nefft,,