/ 3 ro of Hypeeri{te in Relig~n. ~ef.fe; They went ftom m, becaufe they were not ~f m, faith 'John , I John 3. 19 . for this end arc perfecutions on one hand, ind fubt il herefies on the other. That thefe who Are found ttnd a.pprBved may bemade matJ~feft, I Cor.I 1. 19. and when this fueeps skinis pulledoff, the wolfappeare.th to be a wolf, and what flume and fcorn do they then bring upon t~em~ fclves? ~ 9. 9.Herein hypncrijie is fo _d~ngerom,beca:sfe it givethfucha '!'or• n giveth a ftob Jlll W.fJHnd~tndjfab toReltgzon.Ifoar Saviour fa1d,wo be to h1mb] to religion. ... '"hom offences come, it were better amilftone hadbeen hanged upon th~ttma n,and hetbrownintheblttemof thefea,Mu.x8.6. then this mull: needs difcover the woful &dangerous nature ofhy– pocrifie, for nothing doth fo offend and make men blafpheme J God and. his holy waiesJ as the hypocrifie of thofe w-ho pre· tend to ferve him. Davids deceitful waies of wickedneffe in Vriahs matcer, made the enemies of God blafpheme, "and thereforethough God did pardon that finne, as to eternal punil'hment, yet he did feverely chafien, him with outw~rd . plagues~ ludtU his hypocrific:,was it not enough eo reproach ~. all ChrifisDifCiples? Oh then to awe thy felf againfi: this finnc; remember this wounds Religion, it makes it to be ill {poken of every whcre,and woe be to th,ee that haft given the _ occafion. Vfe D[ Exhortation, To take heed o(this inward impo:. fiume, thy face may promife mrich health, and there be rot– ten vitals within; .Every one till fa·nClified, is a meer hypo.. crite, Totmmundm exercet hiftrionem. Indeed the hypocrite out of his own mouth, and from his own waies may well be condemned ; for thy dellre to appear holy, arg~eta that holinelfe is excell-ent, it difcovefs godlinelfe to be precious, becaufe the hypocrite would .fain have the name and ·the title of i-c; This.jufiifiech godlineffe in the world, but then it condemneth the hypocrite the'more, for he cannot plead, he did not know fuch a way, he was not' convinced fucb things were to be done j No, thou did(!: them, and wouldft have all take notice of it , yet didfi not care for the power and reality. This i!l fo great a finne, that our 'S~viour in one Chapter, Matth: 23. dotb many times __ ,ry ···woe