of Hypocri(1ein Religi6n. 3ft TPoe to hypocrites, and becaufe of this hypocrifie they fhall receive greater condemnation. _ ·SE R Me XL le ~ e.A Vifo11ery of clofe Hypocrifze, with the.Caufes of it.. . ' ' BewAre ye of the ltA'lJt» of the Plmrifees, which 14 hy· pocrijie .....;. ,_ YOu have h_eard the Nature a11dDanger ofgrcffe, convinc.ed and ajfelled Hyp-ocrijie: We now come to the more Su6ti! t!lnd L11trnt, which is like a D10tb in the garment, an ur.difceu1(d irnpofiume breeding in the heart of man, in this refpctl: more incurable then the former, becaufc not fo much or fo eafily difccrnable. And the betcer to fathom this deep finne , I £hall confider The Pcrfons to whom this Caution is given, To hi&Di[cipln, Schotars in the highefi form, thofe th3t were the firft fruica. of Chrifiianicy, even tbefe mufi take heed that this fubtil finne creep not into them ; Tbey that were to leaven the whole world mull beware of this leaven. From whence obferve, . - · That the chGi[lft of Chrijlians ought dilt~'l,ently to tak! heed Oh[trv. of hypccrifie in holy duties. Matth.6. You have our Saviour - . in the beginning_of bis Miniftery, infhutling his Difciples - in this as in a fundawental point, he knoweth not how to pray